單位:國立高雄科技大學 資訊工程系
地址:高雄市三民區建工路415號 (建工校區)
交通大學 \ 資訊管理與財務金融系 \ 博士 ( 2010 \ 8 - 2015 \ 1)
元智大學 \ 電機暨資訊工程研究所 \ 碩士 ( 1991 \ 8 - 1993 \ 6)
輔仁大學 \ 資訊管理 \ 學士 ( 1984 \ 8 - 1988 \ 6)
國立高雄科技大學 \ 資訊工程系 \ 副教授 ( 2024 \ 2 - )
國立高雄科技大學 \ 資訊工程系 \ 助理教授 ( 2022 \ 2 -2024\1 )
亞洲大學 \ 數位媒體設計學系 \ 副教授兼系主任 ( 2020 \ 8 - 2022 \ 1)
高苑科技大學 \ 資訊傳播與行銷系 \ 副教授兼系主任 ( 2015 \ 8 - 2020 \ 7)
高苑科技大學 \ 資訊傳播系 \ 助理教授 ( 2007 \ 7 - 2015 \ 7 )
高苑科技大學 \ 資訊傳播系 \ 講師 ( 1993 \ 8 - 2007\ 6 )
KEYNet (達眾) and KEYCITI(達網), Inc., \共同創辦人暨技術顧問 (1997~2001)
共享經濟商務之決策服務機制設計 (2024-2026)
支援在線求職的社會評鑑機制設計 ( 2023 - 2024 )
基於社群的技能感知線上課程與學伴推薦機制設計 ( 2022 - 2023 )
基於社群、行動與情境智慧的位置感知廣告之社群代言推薦機制設計 ( 2021 - 2022 )
基於社群與情境智慧的社群事件之社群代言推薦機制設計 ( 2020 - 2021 )
結合社群與情境智慧的社群事件推薦機制設計 ( 2019 - 2020 )
適地性服務社群評議群體決策支援機制 ( 2017 - 2018 )
設計以社群評議來支援情境感知的決策機制 ( 2016 - 2017 )
科技部國內學者參加國際研討會ESKM 2017
科技部國內學者參加國際研討會ECIS 2016
科技部國內學者參加國際研討會 ECIS 2015
應用Ontology於數位動作典藏資料庫之建置 ( 2008 - 2009 )
1109-111 年高苑科技大學社會責任計畫,子計畫-多元文化紀實
107-109 年高苑科技大學高教深耕計畫
資通訊軟體創新人才推升計畫-3D 多媒體 ( 2016 - 2017 )
資訊人才培育計畫重點領域課程計畫-互動程式設計 ( 2013 - 2014 )
資訊人才培育計畫-互動多媒體 A 類 ( 2013 - 2014 )
資訊人才培育計畫-互動多媒體 B 類 ( 2012 - 2013 )
資訊人才培育計畫-卓越軟體創作社群推動 ( 2010 - 2012 )
2023 綜益資訊股份有限公司,會員數據整合雲端智能平台,民112.10-113.09
2017 高雄市前峰國中三好校園影音記錄,民106.03-106.05
創意商品設計客製化與華語文創意學習網平台, 民99.1-99.12,
文創禮贈品設計製作, 民97.4-97.6,
112 年度委託教師執行校務研究計畫 ( 2023 )
Lien-Fa Lin, Social Referral Mechanism For Context-Aware Mobil Advertising, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (SSCI)25 (2) (2024) (IF 4.0)
Yung-Ming Li, Lien-Fa Lin,Min-Cheng Hung, A collective portfolio selection approach for investment clubs, Information & Management (SSCI) 61 (2) (2024) 103909 (IF 7.555)
Lien-Fa Lin, Yung-Ming Li, Yen-Chen Lin, A social diagnosis mechanism for healthcare knowledge sharing. Journal of Information Science https://doi.org/10.1177/01655515231199929 (2023) (IF 3.1)
Lien-Fa Lin, Yung-Ming Li, Jia-Ling Li, Wan-Chi Chiang, A social mechanism for healthcare consulting recommendation. Inf. Syst. 116: 102225 (2023)(IF 3.7)
Yung-Ming Li, Lien-Fa Lin, Ming-Yen Lien, An Appraisal Mechanism for a Social Marketplace, Information & Management (SSCI) 58 (7) (2021) 103511 (IF 7.555).
Yung-Ming Li, Lien-Fa Lin, Chin-Yu Hsieh, Bo-Syun Huang, A Social Investing Approach for Portfolio Recommendation, Information & Management (SSCI) 58 (2021) 103536 (IF 7.555)
Yung-Ming Li, Chin-Yu Hsieh, Lien-Fa Lin, Chi-Hsuan Wei, A social mechanism for task-oriented crowdsourcing recommendations, Decision Support Systems (SCI), 141 (2021) 113449 (IF 5.795).
Lien-Fa Lin, Yung-Ming Li, An Efficient Approach to Identify Social Disseminators for Timely Information Diffusion, Information Sciences 544 (2021) 78-96 (IF 6.975).
Yung-Ming Li, Cheng-Yang Lai, Lien-Fa Lin, A Diffusing Path Planning Mechanism for Marketing Information Propagation, Information & Management (SSCI), 54 (2017),269-280. Management 32/194 (IF 3.317)
Yung-Ming Li, Lien-Fa Lin, Chun-Chih Hou, A Social Route Recommender Mechanism for Store Shopping Support, Decision Support Systems (SCI), 94 (2017), 97–108. Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence 25/133 (IF 3.222)
Cheng-Yang Lai, *Yung-Ming Li, Lien-Fa Lin, A Social Referral Mechanism in the e-Marketplace, Information & Management (SSCI),54 (2017) 269-280. Management 32/194 (IF 3.317)
Lien-Fa Lin, Yung-Ming Li, Fu-Shun Hsieh, A Social Decision Support Mechanism for Group Purchasing, International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering, 10 (2016) 2734-2742.
Lien Fa Lin, Yung Ming Li, Hsin Chen Hsieh, Combining Mobile Intelligence with Formation Mechanism for Group Commerce, International Journal of Economics and Management Engineering, 10 (2016) 2718-2733.
Lien-Fa Lin, Yung-Ming Li, W.-H. Wu, “A Social Endorsing Mechanism for Target Advertisement Diffusion,” Information & Management (SSCI), 52 (2015) 982-997. Management 32/194 (IF 3.317)
Yung-Ming Li, Lien-Fa Lin, Y.-H. Lin, “A Recommender Mechanism for Social Knowledge Navigation in an Online Encyclopedia”, Information Processing & Management, 50 (2014) (SSCI), 634-652. Computer Science, Information Systems 50/146 (IF 2.391)
Yung-Ming Li, Lien-Fa Lin, S-W Chiu, “Enhancing Targeted Advertising with Social Context Endorsement”, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, 19 (2014) (SSCI), 11-64. Business 18/121 (IF 3.90)
Yung-Ming Li, C.-L. Chou, Lien-Fa Lin, “A Social Recommender Mechanism for Location –Based Group Commerce”, Information Sciences (SCI), 274 (2014), 125–142. Computer Science, Information System 7/146 (IF 4.832)
Yung-Ming Li, H.-M Chen, J.-H. Liou, Lien-Fa Lin, “Creating Social Intelligence for Product Portfolio Design,” Decision Support Systems, 66 (2014) (SSCI), 123-134. Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence 25/133 (IF 3.222)
Lien-Fa Lin and Yuan-Ko Huang, "Value-added Model on Ancient Calligraphy Digital Archives", Journal of Information, Technology, and Society, Vol. 12, p.p. 1-22, 2012.
Lien-Fa Lin and Yuan-Ko Huang, "Scalable processing of continuous K-nearest neighbor queries with uncertain velocity", Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 38(8), pp. 9256-9265, 2011. (SCI, EI)
Lien-Fa Lin and Yuan-Ko Huang, "Intelligent Data Receiver Mechanism for Wireless Broadcasting System", International Journal of Database Management Systems, Vol. 3(4), pp. 131-146, 2011.
Lien-Fa Lin and Yuan-Ko Huang, "Design and Evaluation of Proactive Data Receiver for Wireless Broadcasting Systems", Journal of e-Business, Vol. 10(1), pp. 201-234, 2008. (TSSCI)
Lien-Fa Lin and Yuan-Ko Huang, "Search Location Dependent Data on Air", Journal of e-Business, Vol. 9(2), pp. 377-400, 2007. (TSSCI)
Lien-Fa Lin, Hsieh-Chih Chen, Yuan-Ko Huang, "Support of Energy-Conserving Adaptive Queries for Wireless Broadcast Environments", Journal of Information Management, Vol. 9(1), pp. 119-140, 2007.
Lien-Fa Lin, Yuan-Ko Huang,A Social Mechanism for Skill-Aware Online Course and Learning Companions Recommendation, in Proceeding of the International Conference on Business and Social Science, ICBASS 2024.
Chin-Hsuan Lo, Lien-Fa Lin, Personalized E-shopping Recommendations for Sustainable Consumption, IIAI-AAI 2024.
Sin-Hua Wu, Lien-Fa Lin, Utilizing Social Trust Mechanisms to Minimize the Influence of False Ratings on Recommendation Systems, IIAI-AAI 2024.
Yuan-Ko Huang, Lien-Fa Lin, "Distributed Processing of Budget-based Neighboring Object Group Queries", in Proceeding of the 9th IEEEACIS International Conference on Big Data, Cloud Computing, and Data Science (BCD 2024-Summer)
Yuan-Ko Huang, Lien-Fa Lin, "Evaluating Neighboring Site Group Queries with Constraint of Budget Range", in Proceeding of the 11th International Conference on Computer and Communications Management (ICCCM), Nagoya, Japan, August 4-6, 2023
Lien-Fa Lin, Yuan-Ko Huang, Yung-Ming Li, "Leverage Social and Contextual Intelligence for Personalized Social Event Recommendation.", IIAI-AAI 2023
Lien-Fa Lin, Yuan-Ko Huang, Kai-Chun Hou, “Social Endorser Advertising Dissemination Mechanism Based on Social, Mobility and ContextualIntelligence”, IIAI-AAI 2022: 519-524
Kai-Chun Hou,Kang-Ming Chang, Lien-Fa Lin, "Research on Students' Creative Motivation through Interactive Virtual Reality", The 26th Global Chinese Conference on Computers in Education(GCCCE), 2022
Lien-Fa Lin, “Social Endorsing Mechanism for Social Event Diffusion”, 12th International Conference on E-Service and Knowledge Management (ESKM), 2021
Lien-Fa Lin, “Social event activity recommendation mechanism for location-based services”, 11th International Conference on E-Service and Knowledge Management (ESKM), 2020
Lien-Fa Lin, Yung-Ming Li, “A Social Recommendation Mechanism for P2P Currency Exchange”, 10th International Conference on E-Service and Knowledge Management (ESKM), 2019
Lien-Fa Lin, “Social event shopping recommendation mechanism for location-based services”, the First International Cognitive Cities Conference (IC3 2018)
Lien-Fa Lin, Yung-Ming Li, “A social recommendation mechanism for enhancing O2O e-commence”, 8th International Conference on E-Service and Knowledge Management (ESKM), 2017.
Lien-Fa Lin, yung-Ming Li, “An Appraisal Mechanism for Social Marketplace”, 24rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2016.
Lien-Fa Lin, Yung-Ming Li, Ting-Kai Hwang, Alvin Chang, “A Contextual Group Recommender Mechanism for Location-based Service”, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2015.
Ting-Kai Hwang, Yung-Ming Li, Lien-Fa Lin, Yu-Ting Fu, “A Social Referral Mechanism for Job Reference Recommendation”, Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS), 2015.
Lien-Fa Lin, Yung-Ming Li, “Social Appraisal Support for Point-of-Interest Visiting Decision-Making”, 23rd European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS), 2015.
Lien-Fa Lin, Yung-Ming Li, “A social endorsing mechanism for location-based advertising”, 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2014.
Yung-Ming Li, Lien-Fa Lin, Y.-C Lin, “Leveraging social and contextual intelligence for point-of-interest recommendation”, 18th Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS), 2014.
Yuan-Ko Huang and Lien-Fa Lin, “Processing Probabilistic K-Nearest Neighbor Query Using Rlsd-tree,”in Proceeding of the International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), Victoria, Canada, May 13-16, 2014.
Yuan-Ko Huang, I-Fang Su, Lien-Fa Lin, and Yu-Chi Chung, “Efficient Processing of Updates for Moving Objects with Varying Speed and Direction,” in Proceeding of the International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications (AINA), Barcelona, Spain, March 25-28, 2013.
Yuan-Ko Huang, Lien-Fa Lin, Yu-Chi Chung, and I-Fang Su,“ Continuous Min-Max Distance Bounded Query in Road Networks,” in Proceeding of the International Conference on Asia Pacific Web Conference (APWEB), Kunming, China, April 2012.
Yuan-Ko Huang and Lien-Fa Lin, “Continuous Within Query in Road Networks,” in Proceeding of the International Conference on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (IWCMC), Istanbul, Turkey, July 2011
Yung-Ming Li, Lien-Fa Lin, “Evaluating Disseminators for Time-Critical Information Diffusion on Social Networks”, the International Conference on e-Business, ICE-B 2012.
Yung-Ming Li, Lien-Fa Lin, “Business Modeling for Online Video Services: Download vs. Streaming” 13th International Conference on Electronic Commerce (ICEC 2011), Paper 48, Liverpool, UK, 2011.
"Leverage Social and Contextual Intelligence for Personalized Social Event Recommendation", BTOM 2023.
“Social Endorser Advertising Dissemination Mechanism Based on Social, Mobility and ContextualIntelligence”, BTOM 2022.
“Social Endorsing Mechanism for Social Event Diffusion”, ESKM 2021.
“Social event activity recommendation mechanism for location-based services”, ESKM 2020.
“A Social Recommendation Mechanism for P2P Currency Exchange”, ESKM 2019.
“A social recommendation mechanism for enhancing O2O e-commence”, ESKM 2017.
“An Appraisal Mechanism for Social Marketplace”, ECIS 2016.
“Social Appraisal Support for Point-of-Interest Visiting Decision-Making”, ECIS 2015.
“A social endorsing mechanism for location-based advertising”, PACIS 2014.
Engineering Social Commerce”, Chang Jung Christian University, 2015
“Engineering Social Commerce”, National Kaohsiung Marine University, 2016
Decision Support Systems (DSS)
Information and Management (I&M)
Electronic Commerce Research and Application (ECRA)
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics (TCYB)
Information Sciences (INS)
Information Processing and Management (IPM)
Journal Network and Computer Applications (JNCA)
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (JRCS)