胡義鴻 Yi-Hung HU |
2024.7 |
地梁鋼筋組立工程施工風險評估—以某住宅建築工程職災事故為例 (Construction Risk Assessment of Ground Beam Steel Bar Assembly Project-A Hazard in a Residential Construction Project As an Example) |
劉怡屏 Yi-Ping LIU |
2024.7 |
電信公司人孔局限空間作業導入科技防災研究 (Using High Technology in Confined Space Operations of Telecommunication Manholes.) |
鄭祐紳 You-Shen CHENG |
2024.7 |
壓電感測器於硬固混凝土游離性氯離子含量監測 (Monitoring of Free Chloride Ion Content Using Piezoelectric Sensors in Hardened Concrete) |
楊兆麒 Chao-Chi YANG |
2024.7 |
國軍內部緊急應變體制及措施精進作為—以某國軍部隊為例 (Advanced Measures to Emergency Response Systems for Military—A Case Study of Taiwan’s National Army) |
許元融 Yuan-Rung SHIU |
2023.7 |
超高性能混凝土在高拉伸應變率的力學行為 ---(co-李明輝) (Mechanical Behavior of Ultra High Performance Concrete at High Tensile Strain Rates) |
陳鴻雁 Hong-Yen CHEN |
2023.7 |
鋼構廠箱型柱生產線的職業安全衛生管理系統精進探討 (Occupational Safety and Health System for Production Line of Box Column in Steel Structure Plant) |
李孟杰 Meng-Chieh LI |
2023.7 |
人工智慧應用在營造業門禁安全管理 (Artificial Intelligence in Access Control Security Management of the Construction Industry) |
楊志明 Zhi Ming YUMG |
2023.7 |
寶來一橋井基開挖變更風險評估討 (Risk Assessment of Alternative Plans for Well Foundation Excavation of Po-Lai NO.1 Bridge) |
黃貫 Kuan HUANG |
2022.7 |
磁場對水泥漿性質探討 ---(co-潘南飛) (Effects of Magnetic Field on the Properties of Cement Paste) |
陳昶宇 Chang-Yu CHEN |
2022.7 |
建築裝修工程施工安全風險評估—以營區裝修工程為例 (Risk Assessment of Construction Safety for Building Refurbishment Projects—Case Study on Refurbishment Projects of Barracks) |
柯孟辰 Meng-Chen KE |
2022.1 |
壓電水泥感測器應用於RC結構物混凝土強度與鋼筋腐蝕監測 (Monitoring Concrete Strength and Rebar corrosion in Reinforcd Concrete Using Piezoelectric Cement Sensors.) |
蔡宜珊 Yi-Shan TSAI |
2021.9 |
應用構件預鑄化降低營造業職災風險 (Risk Reducing of Occupational Hazard in the Construction Industry Using Prefabrication Methods.) |
黃建曄 Jian-Ye HUANG |
2021.9 |
超高性能鋼纖維混凝土在不同試驗方法下的拉伸行為 ---(co-李明輝) (Tensile Behavior of Ultra-High Performance Concrete with Steel Fibers Under Different Test Methods.) |
賴丁賜 Ding-Si LAI |
2021.7 |
氧化石墨烯及多層石墨烯含量與混合對水泥壓電複合材料壓電性質的影響 (Effect of the Addition and Mixing of Graphene and Multilayer Graphene on the Piezoelectric Properties of Cement-Based Piezoelectric Composites.) |
林筱凢 Hsiao-Fan LIN |
2021.7 |
監造廠商以編號表單執行營造安全衛生查核計畫評估 (Inspection Plan of Occupational Safety and Health for Supervision Enterprise by Using Numbered forms.) |
凃坤賢 Kun-Shan TU |
2020.7 |
施工架作業安全分析及改善對策 (Operation Safety Analysis of Scaffold and Improvment Measures) |
管家慶 Jia-Cing GUAN |
2020.1 |
壓電水泥感測器監測水泥砂漿和混凝土的應力-應變行為 ---(co-林棟宏) (Using Piezoelectric Cement Sensors to Monitor the Stress-Strain Relation of Cement Mortar and Concrete) |
黃銘旺 Ming-Wang HUANG |
2019.7 |
壓電水泥感測器預估混凝土和砂漿的強度成長 ---(co-林棟宏) (Using Piezoelectric Cement Sensors to Evaluate the Strength of Concrete and Cement Mortar) |
陳俊翰 Jun-Han CHEN |
2019.7 |
落實施工架管理以降低營造業職業災害之研究 (Effective Scaffolding Management to Reduce Occupational Hazards During Constructions) |
陳瑩璇 Ying-Hsuan CHEN |
2018.7 |
都市潛盾洞道坍塌災害之緊急應變對策與防範 (Emergency Response Strategy and Prevention of Shield Tunnel Collapse in Urban Area) |
李傳宗 Ph.D. Chuan-Tsung LEE |
2018.4 |
應用於黑潮發電之無動力水下載具舵片設計 (Rudder Design of Power-Free Underwater Vehicle for the Kuroshio Power Gereration) |
林威任 Wei-Ren LIN |
2018.1 |
奈米石英粉水泥壓電複合材料之壓電性質與預測混凝土強度 (Piezoelectric Properties of Nano-Quartz Cement Piezoelectric Composites and Using to Monitor Concrete Strength) |
陳俊安 Jyun-An CHEN |
2018.1 |
導電石墨烯對水泥壓電複合材料電性與壓電性質影響及其微觀結構 (Effect of Conductive Graphene on Electric and Piezoelectric Properties of PZT/Cement Composites and Its Microstructure) |
王永德 Yung-Te WANG |
2017.7 |
壓電水泥感測器應用於混凝土構件健康檢測 (Health Monitoring of Concrete Member by using Piezoelectric Cement Sensors) |
蘇逸軒 I-Hsuan SU |
2017.7 |
石英粉壓電水泥壓電與力電性質 (Piezoelectric and Electromechanical Properties of Piezoelectric Cement with Quartz Powders) |
杜立鈞 Li-Jyun DU |
2017.7 |
鋼結構自復位柱梁接頭開發與性能評估 ---(co-鍾育霖) (Development and Performance Evaluation of the Self-Centering Steel Colume Base) |
李柏昌 Ph.D. Po-Chang LEE |
2017.5 |
黑潮發電水下水渦輪機葉片設計 (Waterwheel Turbine Design in Kuroshio) |
林棟宏 Ph.D. Dung-Hung LIN |
2016.7 |
0-3水泥壓電複合材料配比研發及混凝土構件壓電效應 (Proportions of 0-3 Type Cement Piezoelectric Composites and Piezoelectric Reactions of Concrete Members) |
吳昱璇 Yu-Hsuan WU |
2016.7 |
壓電水泥感測器製作與在混凝土構件力電關係 (Fabrications of Piezoelectric Cement Sensor and Their Applications on Force-Output Voltage Relation of Concrete Members) |
吳勝筆 Sheng-Pi WU |
2016.7 |
壓電水泥感測器應用於RC梁柱接頭即時監控 (Real-Time Monitoring of RC Beam-Colume Connections with Piezoelectric Cement Sensors) |
林瑋浚 Wei-Jyun LIN |
2016.7 |
鋼結構自復位柱梁接頭開發與性能評估 ---(co-鍾育霖) (Development and Performance Evaluation of the Self-Centering Steel Beam-to-Colume Construction) |
莊孟輝 Meng-Hui CHUANG |
2016.7 |
隧道開挖爆炸之主動式預防對策-以曾文水庫隧道工程為例 (The Active Tunneling EXplosion Prevention with an Example of Tunneling Construction of Tseng-Wen Reservoir) |
林勁羽 Ching-Yu LIN |
2016.7 |
筒式煤倉滑動模板施工安全分析 (Safety Analysis of Slip Form for Coal Silo Construction) |
鄭郁潔 Yu-Chieh CHENG |
2015.7 |
模擬水泥基壓電複合材料壓電性質 (Simulation of Piezoelectric Properties of 0-3 Type Cement-Based Piezoelectric Composites) |
林益義 Yi-Yi LIN |
2015.1 |
臺灣土石流災害防救關鍵因素探討 (Key Factors of Mudslide Disaster Prevention and Relief in Taiwan) |
陳志宏 Zhi-Hung CHEN |
2015.1 |
水工構造用爐石活性粉混凝土 (Hydraulic Structures Made by Reactive Powder Concrete Containing Blast Furnace Slag) |
黃以仁 I-Ren HUANG |
2014.11 |
活性粉水泥壓電複合材料壓電性質 (Piezoelectric Properties of Cement-Based Piezoelectric Composites with Reactive Powders) |
楊瑞豪 Rui-Hao YANG |
2014.7 |
矽基材料對PZT水泥壓電複合材料壓電性質的影響 (Effect of Silica-Based Materials on Piezoelectric Properties of PZT/Cement Composites) |
蔡焱凱 Yen-Kai TSAI |
2014.7 |
Burgers力學模型模擬混凝土添加卜作嵐材料阻尼性質 (Burgers Model to Simulate Damping Properties of Concrete Adding Pozzolanic Materials) |
姜長庚 Chang-Keng CHIANG |
2013.7 |
爐石與飛灰水泥壓電複合材料在不同養護天數與極化電場的壓電特性 (Effect of Curing time and Poling Field for Piezoelectric Properties of 0-3 Type Slag Cement and Fly Ash Cement Piezoelectric Composites) |
詹凱任 Kai-Ren ZHAN |
2013.7 |
以力電學非破性檢測法評估RC構件火害後之鋼筋握裹力 ---(co-侯崇欽) (An electromechanics based NDT approach for bonding residual assessment of fire damaged RC components) |
洪蕙娟 Hui-Chuan HUNG |
2012.7 |
洋流發電水下海生物附著分析 (Adhesion of Aquatic Species and Paint Coatings for the Power Generation of Ocean Current) |
李傳宗 Chuan-Tsung LEE |
2012.7 |
黑潮發電水下載具舵片動作控制及結構強度分析 (Motion Controlling and Strength Analysis of Underwater Vehicle Rudder in Kuroshio) |
許展維 Chan-Wei HSU |
2012.7 |
核能反應爐搬運作業安全研究 (Construction Safety for the Transportation of Nuclear Reactor) |
蔡季霖 Chi-Lin TSAI |
2012.7 |
鋼介質形狀對活性粉混凝土力學性能的影響 (Shape Effect of Steel Inclusion on Mechanical Properties of Reactive Powder Concrete) |
彭仁柏 Jen-Po PENG |
2011.7 |
爐石活性粉混凝土靜動態韌性及耐久性 (Static-Dynamic Toughness and Durability of Reactive Powder Concrete containing Blast Furnace Slag) |
葉仁豪 Ren Hau YEH |
2011.7 |
卜作嵐材料與極化電場對0-3型水泥壓電複合材料的影響 (Effect of Pozzolanic Materials and Poling Field on 0-3 Type Cement-Based Piezoelectric Composites) |
林春陽 Chun-Yang LIN |
2011.7 |
台灣黑潮發電興建之勞工作業表單製作 (Labor’s Activity Lists for Constructions of Kuroshio Current Power in Taiwan) |
鍾舜揚 Shun-yang JHONG |
2011.7 |
水泥壓電地磚技術與能源開發 (Cement-Based Piezoelectric Tiles and Energy Harvesting) |
廖崑勝 Kun-Sheng LIAO |
2010.12 |
骨材和水泥系材料界面過渡區微奈米變位與微觀結構 (Micro/Nano Displacement and Microstructure of Interfacial Transition Zone in Cementitious Materials) |
傅惠君 Hui-Chun FU |
2010.6 |
壓電介質對水泥基壓電材料壓電應變常數的影響 (Effect of Piezoelectric Inclusion on Piezoelectric Strain Constants of Cement-Based Piezoelectric Composite Materials) |
邱祐華 You Hua CHIOU |
2010.6 |
四極埋入式探針法量測水泥基膠結材電阻率 (Electrical Resistivity Determination of Cement-Based Binder Using Embedded Four-Terminal Probe Method) |
李展誠 Jhan-Cheng LI |
2010.6 |
溫度對水泥系材料界面過渡區微變位與性質影響 (Effect of Temperature on Micro Displacement and Properties of Interfacial Transition Zone in Cementitious Materials) |
龔盈年 Ying-Nien KUNG |
2009.6 |
理論模擬高溫活性粉混凝土高速載重應力-應變行為 ---(co-戴毓修) (Theoretical Simulation for Stress-Strain Relationship of Reactive Powder Concrete at Elevated Temperature and High Speed Loading) |
陳芸岫 Yun-Hsiu CHEN |
2009.6 |
應用類神經網路模式預測鋼筋混凝土深梁之剪力強度 --(co-湯兆緯) (Predicting Shear Strength of Reinforced Concrete Deep Beams by Artificial Neural Networks) |
陳彥年 Yen-Nien CHEN |
2009.6 |
0-3型鋯鈦酸鉛水泥基複合材料的壓電特性和製程 (Process and Piezoelectric Properties of 0-3 Type PZT Cement-Matrix Composites) |
郭昱廷 Yu-Ting GUO |
2008.6 |
動態應變速率下活性粉混凝土之應力-應變行為 ---(co-戴毓修) (Strain-Rate Sensitivity on Stress-Strain Behavior of RPC by Modified Inclusion Theory) |
吳鳳瑜 Fong Yu WU |
2008.6 |
微奈米裂縫對水泥漿微觀與力學性質之影響 (Effect of Micro- and Nona-Cracks for the Microscopic and Mechanical Properties of Cementitious Materials) |
李柏昌 Po-Chang LEE |
2008.6 |
結構規劃/設計與施工安全--以高科技廠房工程為例 (Structural Plan/Design and Construction Safety for High-tech Factories) |
蔡志中 Zi-Chung TSAI |
2007.6 |
均值法模擬鋼筋混凝土腐蝕殘留應力 (Corrosion Residual Stresses of Reinforced Concrete by Mean-Field Approach) |
陳雅玟 Ya-Wan CHEN |
2007.6 |
模擬高性能水泥系材料含孔隙與裂縫的微觀和力學行為 (Theoretical Determination for Mechanical Properties of High-Performance Cementitious Materials with Defects) |
孫謀正 Mou-Zheng SUN |
2006.6 |
微觀力學分析水泥基壓電複合材料行為 (Micromechanics Analysis on the Behavior of Cement-Based Piezoelectric Composites) |
高文淵 Wen-Yuan KAO |
2006.1 |
理論預測混凝土受鋼筋腐蝕作用的應力行為 (Theoretical Predictions for Stress Behavior of Concrete Due to Steel Corrosion) |
林榮政 Jung-Cheng LIN |
2005.6 |
模擬應變速率對水泥基複合材料的應力-應變行為 (Theoretical Predictions for Stress-Strain Behavior of Cement-Matrix Composites Due to Strain Rate Effect) |
蔡偉隆 Wei-Lung TSAI |
2005.6 |
介質理論模擬水泥基複合材料長期應力-應變行為 (Long-Term Stress-Strain Relationship of the Cement-Matrix Composite by Inclusion Method) |
粘志偉 Zhi-Wei NIAN |
2004.6 |
氧化鋯強化高性能混凝土之研究 (Zirconia Strengthening High Performance Concrete) |
賴崇胡 Chung-Hu LAI |
2004.6 |
含微裂縫水泥漿和砂漿應力-應變行為 (Microcracking in Stress-Strain Relationships of Cement Paste and Mortar) |
林棟宏 Dung-Hung LIN |
2004.6 |
黏土基添加奈米級氧化鋯的增韌及力學性質 (Toughening and Mechanical Properties of Nano-Zirconia/Clay) |
劉立祥 Li-Hsiang LIU |
2004.1 |
有限元素法模擬裂縫形狀對脆性材料韌性的影響 (The Influence of Crack Shapes for the Toughness of Brittle Materials by Finite Element Method) |
郭聰慧 Tsung-Hui KUO |
2003.6 |
介質理論模擬水泥基複合材料應力-應變行為 (Stress-Strain Relationship of Cement-Matrix Composites by Inclusion Method) |