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發表者 楊大輝老師
年度 2007年

Airline network design, hub location, capacity limitation, mixed integer problem



Shortages of resources at airports have become a serious problem, however most past studies in airline network design have not taken into consideration capacity restrictions at airports. This study addressed the capacitated fixed charge hub location problems. Two models with different capacity constraints are proposed
to determine the hub location and service network; capacity constraints in the first model take into account total volumes that pass through airports, including inbound, outbound, and transshipped traffic, while those in the second model only account for transshipment flows. Both models take into consideration most possible
services, including non-stop and hub-connected, and the coexistence of both services. This provides maximal flexibility for the construction of airline service networks. A network based on the air freight market between Taiwan and China will be used to illustrate the proposed models, while analyses show that the use of different capacity constraints will result in different hub locations and network structures.

研究名稱 需求變動下之航空貨運網路規劃
發表者 楊大輝.李綺容
年度 2007年
關鍵字 軸輻式網路、隨機規劃、需求不確定、完全資訊價值 (EVPI)、隨機解價值 (VSS)

第十九卷 第二期
頁 169 ∼ 190 頁



航空公司營運路網為影響營運成本的重要因素,而飛航網路規劃會隨預設的需求水準有所不同。大多數的做法是以規劃期間內的平均需求為基準,設計相對應的營運路網;然而,航空網路市場的需求常有明顯的季節性變動,且尖峰、離峰差異頗大,以平均值為依據的結果並無法適用於大部分的需求情形。本研究直接將需求變動納入路網規劃模式的考量因素,以隨機數學規劃方法,建構變動需求下之飛航網路規劃模型。所提模式可決定最適網路型態 (直航、軸輻式或兩者混合),以及不同需求水準下,相對應的飛航路徑、貨物分派於各路徑的流量。
最後利用海峽兩岸主要機場的貨運資料對所提模式進行測試,並利用隨數學規劃中的評估指標,比較確定性模型 (給定需求平均值) 與隨機性模型 (考量需求變動) 間的差異,結果顯示隨機模式可獲得較佳的網路結構。



研究名稱 航空公司短期維修計畫之人員勤務指派
發表者 楊大輝老師、賴奕維
年度 2005年





研究名稱 考量直航轉運並行之軸輻式網路模型
發表者 楊大輝、蕭凱陽、李綺容
年度 2004年
關鍵字 軸輻式網路、網路設計、混合整數規劃問題、成本折扣率
投稿 運輸計畫季刊
第三十三卷 第四期
頁 603 ∼ 頁264



軸輻式網路(hub-and-spoke network)具有集貨之功能,可降低航空公司的單位運輸成本,因此經常被業者採用。一般而言,軸輻式網路規劃大多先決定轉運站位址與數目,再對飛航網路進行規劃。然而轉運站位址與飛航網路彼此影響,須同時考慮,因此分階段的規劃方法並不能保證達到航空公司營運成本的最佳化。此外,實務上常有某些航線可允許直航及轉運兩種路徑並存,但過去的文獻並未曾對此探討。本研究依據模式延伸性分別建構三個模式,其模式均假設直航與轉運兩種路徑可二擇一一可同時並存。其中完整模式將轉運站位址、數目與營運網路一併同時納入模式考量,外加考慮轉運站容量限制與設置成本,以更接近實務上之需求。三個模式皆被定式為混合整數規劃問題,本研究利用數學規劃軟體CPLEX結合字型發展的程式來求解。證實部分則以兩岸航空貨物運輸為例,分別對三個模式進行不同的情境及敏感度分析。

研究名稱 時變性路段績效函數之理論基礎及應用
發表者 楊大輝老師
年度 2004年
關鍵字 交通動態



智慧型運輸系統中對即時(real-time)資訊及即時交通控制的需求度高,而傳統以靜態模型為基礎的理論已無法處理動態的交通路網問題。由於動態交通路網中車流會隨時間及空間的不同而變化,發展能描述交通動態變化的模型為相當有挑戰性的重要課題。本研究首先對交通動態(traffic dynamics)模型分類及回顧,並說明發展的基本概念,討論不同模型的優缺點。接著介紹時變性路段績效函數(time-dependent link performance functions)的理論基礎,比較與傳統靜態路段績效函數於動態交通量指派(dynamic traffic assignment)的方法,並提出不同即時控制架構下的應用。


研究名稱 Airline short-term maintenance manpower supply planning
發表者 Shangyao Yan a,*, Ta-Hui Yang b, Hsuan-Hung Chen
年度 2004年

Maintenance manpower supply; Certificates; Management strategy; Mixed integer program



It is essential that airlines efficiently perform aircraft maintenance in order to ensure aviation safety and schedule punctuality. Traditionally, the arrangement of the maintenance manpower supply has been based on staff experience, and has been performed manually following simple rules. This is not only time-consuming but often ineffective. In this research we consider technicians with multiple types of aircraft maintenance certificates incorporated with three flexible management strategies and the related operating constraints to develop a mathematical programming model. With suitable modifications, eight different flexible strategic
models, associated with different strategy combinations, can be generated to help an airline effectively manage its maintenance manpower supply. The models are formulated as mixed integer programs. Because the problem sizes of the proposed models are expected to be huge in real applications, we have developed a solution algorithm to efficiently solve the problems. We employed the mathematical programming solver, CPLEX, to reach a solution for all the problems. Finally, to evaluate the models and solution algorithm developed in the research, we performed a case study using the operating data from a leading Taiwan airline.
The preliminary results indicate that the proposed models, and the solution algorithm, are both efficient and effective.


研究名稱 An airline maintenance manpower planning model with
flexible strategies
發表者 Ta-Hui Yanga,*, Shangyao Yanb, Hsuan-Hung Chenb
年度 2003年
關鍵字 Maintenance manpower supply; Crew scheduling; Flexible management strategy; Mixed integer program

Journal of Air Transport Management 9 (2003) 233–239




An effective maintenance manpower supply plan not only reduces operating costs but ensures greater aviation safety and punctuality. A variety of flexible management strategies have been widely applied in other industries; however, little research has stressed flexible management strategies for airline crew scheduling problems. Here, we introduce a model that includes various flexible strategies so that an airline can effectively manage its maintenance manpower supply. The model is formulated as a mixed integer program that is solved using a commercial software package, CPLEX. In order to evaluate the model performance, we use
the operating data from a leading Taiwan airline.


研究名稱 Stability issues for dynamic tra c assignment
發表者 S. Peeta?, T.-H. Yang
年度 2003年

Feedback control; Dynamical systems; Stability analysis; Lyapunov methods


Automatica 39 (2003) 21 – 34



This paper explores stability issues for operational route guidance control strategies for vehicular tra c networks equipped with advanced information systems, and develops a general procedure for the stability analysis of the associated dynamic traffic assignment(DTA) problems. The route guidance control strategies are modeled as dynamical systems, and the associated solution procedure enables
computational tractability for real-time deployment. An important study insight is that the Lyapunov functions for the route guidance control models are their corresponding objective functions under DTA. This overcomes the key di culty of constructing meaningful Lyapunov functions for DTA problems.













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