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About Me


Tel: +886-7-601-1000 Ext. 33223
Email: yang@nkust.edu.tw


  1. 網路設計分析:
  2. 運輸及物流網路規劃:
  3. 航空營運管理:
    飛航排程、即時性飛航班次表重建、飛機短期維修計畫人力資源規劃、飛機短期維修計畫人員勤務指派、航空定價均衡模式、航空網路規劃、軸輻式網路設計、需求不確定下之飛航網路規劃 、競爭環境下之飛航網路設計、運輸成本規模經濟之網路問題、應用基因演算法求解網路設計問題
  4. 排班排程問題:
  5. 動態交通運輸系統分析:


2018/2/1 - 迄今,教授,運籌管理系,國立高雄科技大學
2010/2/1 - 2018/1/31,教授,運籌管理系,國立高雄第一科技大學
2010/8/1 - 2011/9/30,系主任,運籌管理系,國立高雄第一科技大學
2007/8/1 - 2010/1/31,副教授,運籌管理系,國立高雄第一科技大學
2006/8/1 - 2006/12/31,理工學院,院長特助,國立嘉義大學
2005/8/1 - 2007/7/31,副教授,運輸與物流工程研究所,國立嘉義大學
2004/8/1 - 2005/7/31,理工學院,院長特助,國立嘉義大學
2002/8/1 - 2005/7/31,助理教授,運輸與物流工程研究所,國立嘉義大學


2001 - 2002,Battelle Memorial Institute 美國
1995 - 1996,國道高速公路局


博士,美國普渡大學(Purdue University)




  1. Material and fund flows allotting management (物料及資金流動配置管理), Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, MOST 106-2221-E-327-006-MY2, Aug. 1, 2017 – July 31, 2019, Investigator. NT$1,024,000.
  2. 高雄市幹道eTag車輛偵測讀取器與天線調校,遠通電收股份有限公司,Oct. 1, 2016 – Sep. 30, 2017, Co-Investigator. NT$800,000.
  3. Maritime liner network design under demand pattern variations (適應需求型態變動之海運定期航線網路規劃), Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, MOST 104-2221-E-327-018-MY2, Aug. 1, 2015 – July 31, 2017, Investigator. NT$1,192,000.
  4. Bicycle sharing system attributes analysis (腳踏車共享系統使用特性分析), Ministry of Science and Technology, Taiwan, MOST 104-2221-E-327-023, Aug. 1, 2015 – July 31, 2016, Co-Investigator. NT$517,000.
  5. 104年度高雄市公共腳踏車租賃系統滿意度調查,高雄捷運公司,Oct. 1, 2015 – Jan. 31, 2016, Co-Investigator. NT$375,000.
  6. 高雄捷運104年度旅客滿意度調查,高雄捷運公司,Oct. 1, 2015 – Mar. 31, 2016, Co-Investigator. NT$375,000.
  7. 不同配送網路設計模型之比較及分析, Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST 104-2815-C-327-028-E, 大專學生專題研究計畫, July 1, 2015 – Feb. 28, 2014, 學生:林姿伶, 指導老師:楊大輝,NT$48,000。
  8. 高雄市中心公共腳踏車C-bike系統規劃評估, Ministry of Science and Technology, MOST 104-2815-C-327-026-E, 大專學生專題研究計畫, July 1, 2015 – Feb. 28, 2014, 學生:楊倍甄, 指導老師:楊大輝,NT$48,000。
  9. Robust design for uncertain multi-echelon supply chain networks (多階層供應鏈網路資訊不確定下之穩健性設計), National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC 102-2221-E-327 -014 -MY2, Aug. 1, 2013 – July 31, 2015, Investigator. NT$1,181,000. 優秀年輕學者研究計畫.
  10. 公共自行車租賃站及自行車專用道之設計建置, National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC 102-2815-C-327-019-E, 大專學生專題研究計畫, July 1, 2013 – Feb. 28, 2014, 學生:顏亞琪, 指導老師:楊大輝。
  11. 高雄捷運101年度旅客滿意度調查工作,高雄捷運公司,101M3A0006,Dec. 20, 2012 – May 31, 2013, Investigator. NT$393,000.
  12. Physical distribution network design with inventory and replenishment mechanism under seasonal demand variations (需求季節變動下考量存補貨機制之實體配送網路設計), National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC 101-2221-E-327-035, Aug. 1, 2012 – July 31, 2013, Investigator. NT$637,000.
  13. A model for push-pull boundary in supply chain network (供應鏈網路推拉式鄰接層模型), National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC 100-2221-E-327 -034, Aug. 1, 2011 – July 31, 2012, Investigator. NT$439,000.
  14. 運用雲端科技於服務業的創新:分項計畫2 - 應用雲端服務創新之國際物流管理,100年度補助技專校院建立特色典範計畫,教育部,分項計畫主持人。NT$809,000。
  15. 加工出口區物流科技化推動計畫, Export Processing Zone Administration, Ministry of Economic Affairs (經濟部加工出口管理處), Taiwan, N99072701, Nov. 24, 2010 – Nov. 30, 2011, Co-investigator. NT$15,200,000.
  16. 旗津邁向低碳島委託先期評估計畫,高雄市政府經濟發展局,協同主持人,Sep. 1-Dec. 31,2011.NT$300,000.
  17. Solution algorithm for stochastic hub-and-spoke system with concave cost functions (求解具凹型成本函數之隨機軸輻式系統), National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC 99-2221-E-327 -025, Aug. 1, 2010 – July 31, 2011, Investigator. NT$610,000.
  18. 以網路模型建構最佳化多階層物流實體配送路網, National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC 99-2815-C-327-025-H, 大專學生專題研究計畫, July 1, 2010 – Feb. 28, 2011, 學生:洪詩雅, 指導老師:楊大輝。
  19. 應用AHP法之公用自行車規劃關鍵因素分析, Institute of Transportation, Ministry of Transportation and Communications (交通部運輸研究所), Taiwan, MOTC-IOT-99-EBA009, April 29, 2010 – December 28, 2010, Co-investigator, NT$96,000.
  20. Analysis of hub location decision in a duopolistic market (雙佔市場下轉運站區位選擇競爭行為分析), National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC 98-2221-E-327 -027, Aug. 1, 2009 – July 31, 2010, Investigator. NT$521,000.
  21. 兩岸航空客運全面通航前後營運網路之比較, Institute of Transportation, Ministry of Transportation and Communications (交通部運輸研究所), Taiwan, MOTC-IOT-98-EBA017, April 17, 2009 – December 16, 2009, Co-investigator, NT$96,000.
  22. 兩岸通航後航空市場城際旅客需求資料之蒐集推估及分析, Institute of Transportation, Ministry of Transportation and Communications (交通部運輸研究所), Taiwan, MOTC-IOT-97-EBA021, July 10, 2008 – December 24, 2008, Co-investigator, NT$99,000.
  23. The heuristic solution algorithms for hub location problems (發展求解各類轉運站區位問題之啟發式演算法), National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC 97-2410-H-327-017, Aug. 1, 2008 – July 31, 2009, Investigator. NT$450,000.
  24. Airline network design with seasonal demand variation under competitive environment (競爭市場下考量季節性需求變動之航空網路設計模式), National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC 96-2415-H-327-003, Aug. 1, 2007 – July 31, 2008, Investigator. NT$448,000.
  25. Hub-and-spoke network planning under competitive airline market (考量航空市場競爭特性的軸輻式網路規劃), National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC 95-2221-E-415-020, Aug. 1, 2006 – Oct. 25, 2007, Investigator. NT$437,000.
  26. The Price Equilibrium Model under Oligopolistic Airlines Market(寡占航空市場下之價格均衡模式), National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC 94-2211-E-415-002, Aug. 1, 2005 – July 31, 2006, Investigator. NT$484,000.
  27. The Application of Goal Programming in Nurse Scheduling Problem(應用目標規劃方法於護理人員排班問題之研究), Department of Health, Executive Yuan, Taiwan, DOH94-NH-24, Aug. 1, 2005 – Dec. 20, 2005, Co-investigator. NT$1,000,000.
  28. The Application of Stochastic Programming in Airline Network Design(隨機數學規劃模型於航空網路設計之應用), National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC 93-2211-E-415-002, Aug. 1, 2004 – July 31, 2005, Investigator. NT$437,400.
  29. A Unified Model to Simultaneously Determine Hub Location and Service Network for Hub-and-Spoke Networks(同時考量轉運站設置及飛航路網設計之整合型輻軸式網路模式), National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC 92-2211-E-415-001, Aug. 1, 2003 – July 31, 2004, Investigator. NT$405,100.
  30. Airline Maintenance Crew Assignment Model(航空公司維修人員值勤班次組員選派及組員分組指派模式之研究), National Science Council, Taiwan, NSC 91-2218-E-415-001, Dec. 1, 2002 – July 31, 2003, Investigator. NT$233,200.


International Journals
  1. Yang, Ta-Hui* and Chiu, Tzu-Yu (2016.02), “Airline hub-and-spoke system design under stochastic demand and hub congestion”, Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, Vol.33, Issue 2, pp. 69-76. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21681015.2015.1107860. NSC 98-2221-E-327 -027 & NSC 99-2221-E-327 -025 research extension. (EI, INSPEC, TSSCI)
  2. Yang, Ta-Hui and Huang, Yu (2015.04), “Hub-and-spoke airline network design under competitive market”, Journal of Industrial and Production Engineering, Vol. 32, Issue 3 pp. 186-195. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21681015.2015.1029549 (EI, INSPEC, TSSCI)
  3. Huang, Shan-Huen, Yang, Ta-Hui, and Tang, Ching-Hui (2014.08), “Fleet size determination for a truckload distribution center”, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Vol. 48, Issue 5, pp. 377-389. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/atr.1180 (SCI, EI)
  4. Trappey, Charles V., Trappey, Amy J.C., Lin, Gilbert Y.P., Lee, W.T., Yang, Ta-Hui (2013.07), “SETZ logistics models and system framework for manufacturing and exporting large engineering assets”, Journal of Systems and Software, Vol. 86, Issue 7, pp. 1797–1805. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jss.2012.09.032 (SCI)
  5. Lin, Jenn-Rong, Yang, Ta-Hui, and Chang, Yu-Chung (2013), “A Hub Location Inventory Model For Bicycle Sharing System Design: Formulation And Solution”, Computers & Industrial Engineering, Vol. 65, pp. 77-86. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cie.2011.12.006 (SCI, EI)
  6. Huang, Shan-Huen, Yang, Ta-Hui, and Wang, Rong-Tsu (2011), “Ant Colony Optimization for Railway Drivers Crew Scheduling From Modeling to Implementation”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 28, No. 6, pp. 437–449. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10170669.2011.599433 (EI, TSSCI)
  7. Lin, Jenn-Rong and Yang, Ta-Hui (2011), “Strategic design of public bicycle sharing systems with service level constraints”, Transportation Research Part E, Vol. 47, Issue 2, pp. 284-294. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tre.2010.09.004. (SSCI, SCI)
  8. Lin, Jenn-Rong, Yang, Ta-Hui, and Huang, Yu-Chen (2011), “A Multiple-Period Facility Location Model for Large-Scale Distribution Network Design Problems with Budget and Service Level Considerations”, International Journal of Operations Research, Vol. 8, No. 1, pp. 69-75.
  9. Yang, Ta-Hui (2010), "A two-stage stochastic model for airline network design with uncertain demand", Transportmetrica, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 187-213. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18128600902906755. ISSN: 1944-0987 for electronic; 1812-8602 for paper. (SSCI, SCI)
  10. Yang, Ta-Hui (2009), "Stochastic air freight hub location and flight routes planning", Applied Mathematical Modelling, Vol. 33, Issue 12, pp. 4424-4430. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apm.2009.03.018. ISSN: 0307-904X. NSC 93-2211-E-415-002. (SCI)
  11. Yang, Ta-Hui, Wang, Rong-Tsu, and Tseng, Chih-Huan (2009), “The application of goal programming to the scheduling problem of the professional baseball league”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 26, No. 2, pp. 135-146. ISSN 1017-0669. (EI, TSSCI, INSPEC)
  12. Yang, Ta-Hui (2008), “Airline network design problem with different airport capacity constraints”, Transportmetrica, Vol. 4, No. 1, pp. 33-49. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/18128600808685680 ISSN: 1944-0987 for electronic; 1812-8602 for paper. NSC-92-2211-E-415-001. (SSCI, SCI)
  13. Yan, Shangyao, Yang, Ta-Hui, and Chen, Hsuan-Hung (2004), “Airline Short-Term Maintenance Manpower Supply Planning”, Transportation Research Part A, Vol. 38, Issue 9-10, pp. 615-642. ISSN 0965-8564. NSC-90-2211-E-008-046. (SSCI, SCI)
  14. Yan, Shangyao, Yang, Ta-Hui, and Chen, Yu-Ching (2004), “A Model and a Solution Algorithm for Airline Line Maintenance Manpower Supply Planning with Multiple Aircraft Type Maintenance Certificates”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers, Vol. 27, No. 5, pp. 719-729. ISSN 0253-3839. (SCI)
  15. Yang, Ta-Hui (2004), “Analysis of Non-Differentiable Traffic Networks”, Archives of Transport, Vol. 16, Issue 1, pp. 87-98. ISSN 0866-9546.
  16. Yang, Ta-Hui, Yan, Shangyao, and Chen, Hsuan-Hung (2003), “An Airline Maintenance Manpower Planning Model with Flexible Strategies”, Journal of Air Transport Management, Vol. 9, pp. 233-239. ISSN 0969-6997. NSC-90-2211-E-008-046. (SSCI)
  17. Peeta, Srinivas and Yang, Ta-Hui (2003), “Stability Issues for Dynamic Traffic Assignment”, Automatica, Vol. 39, pp. 21-34. ISSN 0005-1098. (SCI)
  18. Peeta, Srinivas and Yang, Ta-Hui (2001), “Theoretical Aspects of a Stable Dynamic Traffic Assignment Strategy”, Archives of Transport, Vol. 13, Issue 4, pp. 77-93. ISSN 0866-9546.
  19. Yan, Shangyao, Ho, Shwu-Ping, and Yang, Ta-Hui (1997), “An Integrated Model for Fleet Routing Flight Scheduling and Aircraft Rental Planning”, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 247-256. (EI)
  20. Yan, Shangyao and Yang, Dah-Hwei (1996) “A Decision Support Framework for Handling Schedule Perturbation”, Transportation Research B, Vol. 30, No. 6, pp. 405-419. (SSCI, SCI)
Regional/Local Journals
  1. 林振榮、楊大輝* (2018.06), “Analysis of practical implementation for a public bicycle system design model” (公共腳踏車系統設計模型實用分析), Transportation Planning Journal (運輸計劃季刊季刊), Vo1. 47, No. 2, pp. 147-166. MOST 101-2221-E-019-057. (TSSCI, published in Chinese)
  2. 李恒綺、楊大輝*、楊明德、巫妮蓉 (2016.12), "Analysis of User Characteristics and Preferences for Public Bicycle System - A Case Study of C-Bike" (公共腳踏車使用者特性及偏好分析 - 以高雄市C-Bike 為例), Transportation Planning Journal (運輸計劃季刊季刊), Vo1. 45, No. 4, pp. 331-356. MOST 104-2221-E-327-023. (TSSCI, published in Chinese)
  3. 楊大輝、林振榮、顏亞琪 (2015.03), “Public Bicycle Stations Location and Network Design Problem”( 公共腳踏車租借站點及路網之設計), Journal of The Chinese Institute of Transportation (運輸學刊), Vol. 27, No.1, pp.29-48. NSC 102-2815-C-327-019-E. (TSSCI, published in Chinese)
  4. 楊大輝、陳珍珍、黃詩佳 (2014.06), “Model and Solution Algorithm for Stochastic Physical Distribution Network Design Problem” (隨機實體配送網路設計模型及求解演算法), Journal of The Chinese Institute of Transportation (運輸學刊), Vol. 26, No. 2, pp.231-256. NSC 101-2221-E-327 -035. (TSSCI, published in Chinese)
  5. 楊大輝、林燦煌、林宜靜、曾志煌、張昭芸 (2014.07), “Airline Network Planning for the Different Phases of Cross-Strait Direct Flights Deregulation”(因應兩岸開放通航不同階段之航空網路規劃), Journal of Management & Systems (管理與系統), Vol. 21, No. 3, pp.533-550. MOTC-IOT-98-EBA017. (TSSCI, published in Chinese)
  6. Yang, Ta-Hui and Lee, Chi-Jung (2007), “Airline Freight Network Planning under Demand Variation”(需求變動下之航空貨運網路規劃), Journal of The Chinese Institute of Transportation (運輸學刊), Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 169-190. ISSN 1027-2275. NSC 93-2211-E-415-002. (TSSCI, published in Chinese)
  7. Yang, Ta-Hui, and Lai, Yi-Wei (2005), “Airline Personnel Assignment for Short-Term Maintenance Plan”(航空公司短期維修計畫之人員勤務指派), Transportation Planning Journal Quarterly (運輸計劃季刊), Vol. 34, No. 4, pp. 525-548. ISSN 1017-7159.NSC-91-2218-E-415-001. (TSSCI, published in Chinese)
  8. Yang, Ta-Hui, Shiau, Kai-Yang, and Lee, Chi-Jung (2004), “Hub-and-Spoke Airline Network Planning with the Coexistence of Direct and Hub Connected Services”(考量直航轉運並行之軸輻式航空網路模型), Transportation Planning Journal Quarterly (運輸計劃季刊), Vol. 33, No. 4, pp. 603-624. ISSN 1017-7159. NSC-92-2211-E-415-001. (TSSCI, published in Chinese)
  9. Yang, Ta-Hui (2004), “The Theoretical Basis and Applications of Time-Dependent Link Performance Functions”(時變性路段績效函數之理論基礎及應用), The Magazine of The Chinese Institute of Civil and Hydraulic Engineering (土木水利雙月刊), Vol. 31, No. 5, pp. 40-47. ISSN 0253-3804, published in Chinese
  10. Yan, Shangyao and Yang, Dah-Hwei (1994), “Systematic Aircraft Routing under Schedule Perturbation Caused by Technical Incidents of Aircrafts”, Transportation Planning Journal Quarterly (運輸計劃季刊), Vol. 23, No. 4, pp. 407-426. (TSSCI, published in Chinese)