人類有許多需求,通常可以大致分為食衣住行育樂等,其中的行便是運輸。通常說運輸的需求是衍生性需求(Derived Demand),也就是說運輸的需求通常來自對於其他事物的需求(例如興建運河的目的是為了將物品運送至某處),少數的需求即是運輸本身,例如為了體驗火車之旅而去搭火車。運輸需求
運輸的目的是為了將人或貨物迅速、安全、經濟、便利、適量地自A地送到B地。對於一個社會來說,可能有以下幾個功能:- 發達的運輸可以讓人民的交流接觸變得更便利,促進社會或國家的團結或一統。
- 可以增強國防,後勤機動能力變強。例如1956年美國國會與艾森豪總統正式授權給美國公路局的工程師、以及對口單位也就是各州的公路部門,開始興建長達41,000英里、包含大約5,000英里都市內道路的新公路系統(國家洲際與防禦公路系統)。
- 促進社會關係,方便的運輸可以讓人與人的關係緊密,天涯若比鄰,
- 促進文化之形成與發展,增加求學機會,地區文化交流等等。
- 空間效用(place utility - making sure the product is accessible, bring it to the customer, or have it in convenient place):將產品從一地運送至另一地,讓某地的人可以使用其他地的商品。
- 數量效用(quantity utility):將某地較多的商品運送至商品較為不足的另一地,確認商品需求數量可以被滿足。
- 時間效用(time utility - making sure the product is available when people need it):縮短時間上的距離,使人可使用時間增加。例如將生鮮快速運往某地以避免長時間運送造成腐壞損失,或是在特定時間前(例如節日)及時滿足市場需求等。
- 形式效用(form utility - when someone makes something, they assemble a product from parts and you can use it):形式效用是利用製造生產組裝來使產品適合消費者以增加產品價值。例如物流流通業藉接近消費者之便,根據較多信息進行包裝加工,改變商品型態吸引消費者,此可以協助廠商行銷。
- 持有效用(possession utility - letting the customer have the product, usually after they pay, they can "possess" it and hold it, transport it etc.):行銷讓消費者期待擁有並可以自由使用某產品,稱為持有效用。物流管理創造了空間效用與時間效用後可以促進此行銷進而增加持有效用(讓客戶可以在有意義的時間內擁有商品)。
- 服務效用(task utility - when someone does something for you, like put ice cream in a cone, or change the oil in your car):運輸可以提供滿足顧客需求的服務,例如uber eats或foodPanda提供將食物送府服務,這也同時增加了商家販售。有些人認為此為形式效用的一種。
- 運輸可以降低生產成本,促進區域專業分工,從而擴充生產規模。例如將便宜原料運至生產地,或是將半成品運至另一工廠。
- 運輸可以降低產品價格、穩定物價水準。例如可以將較低物價商品運至物價較高處販售。
- 運輸可以擴大消費範圍、提高消費水準。例如可以很方便的至較遠處消費,並可很容易地將貨物帶回。
- 運輸可以提高土地價值,改變人口分布。例如車站旁或是因為新道路而變成容易到達之處。
- 運輸可以改變土地使用與提高利用強度,促進都市發展。例如因為運輸設施而群聚的新市鎮,或是新的工業區(需要運輸進出材料與貨物)。
上一節提到的功效,但是好處伴隨而來的是對經濟環境社會等各方面的衝擊。- 在經濟面,遠方的便宜貨會衝擊當地產業,如果運輸費用低廉的話,衝擊會更大,長久會造成產業的消長,若是國與國之間可以使用關稅來保護當地產業。運輸設施還可能造成土地價格的變動,雖說受益區域土地價格會上漲,但受衝擊區域(e.g. 鐵道或是管線旁)價格可能下跌。
- 環境衝擊:
- 運輸顯然對於環境有很大衝擊,第一點自然是因為運具或設施所產生的汙染(e.g. Nox, CO2, SO2)而製造的酸雨且會導致溫室效應及氣候變遷。此點將在之後介紹更多細節。
- 此外,運輸會耗用許多的自然資源,例如能源與土地。能源主要是石油,而運輸設施(e.g. 道路)所占用的土地使用率並不高(通常是尖峰時間),並不是有效率的土地使用。
- 交通運輸每年對於生命財產的威脅始終存在,運輸安全的議題在之後會介紹更多細節。
- 運輸除了可能出現意外,還有擁擠問題(也會在之後詳加討論)。此外,對環境生態及文化景觀也會產生破壞,增加社會成本。不過這件事通常沒有標準答案,需要更多的討論與共識來尋找眾人最能接受的方案。例如淡海輕軌、高鐵水雉復育、高鐵與老樟樹等。對歷史文化之衝擊:被迫拆遷、易於遷徒使文化湮滅或喪失,也可能與經濟發展互生扞格,例如金字塔景觀、台中站周邊、高雄帝冠式舊車站。
- 對社會的衝擊:
- 運輸可以促進都市的區塊發展,相對的也可能影響其他都市區塊發展。運輸可帶來、亦可帶去。
- 運輸可能影響生活形態,例如需要每天起早擠電車(有些區域不能開車進入或是道路會雍塞),且可能影響生理心理狀態。
- 運輸服務提供民眾便利,但也可能造成社會不公。例如
- 非使用者需承受車輛使用者所製造之噪音、震動與污染。例如:台鐵、國道
- 費率不公平的競爭(討論:國道小型車與大型車之收費(兩者費率比是否公平))
- 大眾運輸不佳之區,對窮與富者所提供之運輸服務不平等。例如某地可能有高速公路但是沒有設置公車路線。
- 對國防之衝擊:沒有快速道路支援,軍隊與後勤運輸的速度將不夠迅速與靈活。
運輸類型可分為陸海空,主要構成為使用者(人)、運具(車)、航線(路)。- 使用者(人):原則上指的是乘客或使用者(司機)。在客運中載送的是人,在物流中載送的是貨物(動物算是貨物)。公路運輸相對於大眾運輸(e.g. 鐵路運輸,捷運系統,甚至海空運)通常會有大量的駕駛參與。因為駕駛眾多,整體行為較複雜。駕駛的狀態或判斷會直接或間接影響運具的行進或安全。
反應時間:肉眼感受到事物,到手足採取行動, 約需時間0.5秒到4秒(反應時間)之久。過程為感知(perception)、運用智慧(intellection)、激發情緒(emotion)、執行意志(volition),又稱PIEV時間。
視覺:- 視覺範圍(visual acuity):3~5度佳,應於10度內設置號誌
- 周邊視界(peripheral vision):車速提高則減小,靜止約180~200度
- 顧盼時間(accommodation):0.5~1.26秒
- 視覺深度(depth perception):雙眼估計遠近
- 炫光恢復(glare-recovery):隧道、遠光燈
- 辨色能力(color vision):原則上無顯著關係
- 錯覺(wrong perception):道路設計需考量
- 視力衰退(aging):需定期檢查以維安全
其他:智力(指駕駛技術中遇到行車狀況時的應變反應能力)、學習過程(學習用路,包括走路、騎車、開車的正常經驗及遇到挫折時 的經驗回饋過程)、情緒與態度(包括A注意B守法C焦急和忿怒,和D用路時的當下心理狀況)、性格成熟程度(反應年齡、婚姻、家庭狀況,及對於生命價值的體認)、身體秉性的差異(包括身材高矮及身體健康狀況,e.g. 人的手足長短因人而異,當操控車輛緊急時,四肢與車輛的配合如果不是 在最佳位置,操控能力即無法充份發揮。)、氣候等均有影響,保險亦會考慮。 - 運具(車): 運具(Vehicle)是乘載乘客或貨物的載具,可容納與保護被運送的人、貨。理想運具應有結構簡便安全、輕巧易於操縱管理、造價經濟、寬敞舒適、耐用、少故障易維修、容量大、震動小、耗用能源少、污染少等要件。
人力: 以人作為動力輸出源時,若載運亦為人,人亦為乘客,適用於無自身動力的運具(e.g. 腳踏車)。例如手提(手提包、手提箱)、肩挑(扁擔)、背負(背包)、轎子、臺車、板車、三輪車。
引擎(內燃機):現代運具多使用引擎。例如柴油內燃機車(diesel locomotive),是指以柴油引擎為動力來源,並通過傳動裝置驅動力車輪的鐵路機車。或是一般的汽車,使用燃燒汽油來提供活塞內燃機能量。又或是輪船及飛機。
Cable、belt、Magnetic levitation、Air cushion vehicle、Pipelines。 - 航線(路):為自origin至destination之通道。可為自然或人工。需具備安全、建造及維護費用低、便於迅速通行及運轉、不受自然氣候及地理條件影響、使用壽命長、距離短等要件。在公路運輸為道路、軌道運輸為軌道、管線運輸為管線、海空運為航線等。航站為航線之中繼站點,例如火車站、高鐵車站、捷運車站、港口、機場等。
- 使用效率不彰。(The inefficient utilization of public infrastructure systems and transportation services caused by the normal weekday peaks and valleys in travel demand that necessitate wide roads. Large bus fleets, more drivers, and so on for about 2h during the morning and afternoon peaks, and only a fraction of these capacities for the rest of the time and during weekends and holidays.)對策:有些地區(Seattle Metro, 1978)與工會協調允許在尖峰時段加入臨時駕駛(part-time drivers)以減少薪資的支出。相反的,(Athens, Greece)提出使用分班制(split-shift),司機員會輪流有一段時間較長的無薪的休息時段,但受到工會反對,最終沒有實行。
- 財務窘境。(Infrastructure financing with difficult choices, such as capacity expansion versus rehabilitation, highway versus transit investment, and the share of financing among local, state, federal, and private sources)
- 社會公義議題。(Special transportation provisions for the elderly, disabled, and low-income people)
- 環保議題。(Environment concerns of emissions and noise pollution, as well as balancing the conflicting demands for environment quality and efficient and affordable transportation)
- 交通安全。(Safety and security for all residents on all public spaced and transportation modes)
- 制度與實務的改善。(Institutional and operational changes for efficiency improvement)
- 沒有相應的財務能力來實現合法要求。(Legislated requirements without the commensurate financing for implementation)
公路運輸(Highway Transportation)
- 高速公路(freeway):高架式、下降式及地面式
- 快速道路(expressway):市鎮對外道路,過境或直達或中心與社區,社區與社區之往返。
- 主要幹道(major arterial):中心與社區,社區與社區,中心內,社區內。
- 集散道路(collector/distributor street):中心內或社區內
- 出入街道(local street)










目前台灣的高速公路收費標準是平日小型車每日每車優惠里程20公里,標準費率1.20元/公里(20公里<行駛里程≦200公里),長途折扣費率0.90元/公里(行駛里程>200公里)。高工局在網站同時提供線上通行費試算。但是住在市區的道路使用者,例如在高雄從楠梓交流道到九如交流道,通行費$11.3,若每日上下班來回皆行走高速公路,並不需要付費,但是道路還是得要維修養護,此時經費便須轉嫁到其他被收費的車輛,此並不符使用者付費原則,因此應該依里程收費較為合理。 台灣的收費道路為高速公路局負責的國道,快速道路例如台88並不收費。但是同為高速公路局轄下的高速公路,縱貫台灣的國道1、3、5要收費,但是連接山海的橫跨國道2、4、6、8、10卻是不用收費的。這也是不公平的,橫跨的國道還是需要維修養護的經費,若該道路的使用者不付費,這些經費便得轉嫁到行駛縱貫國道的道路使用者身上。
- 提高供給的部分,在政府財務許可或業務能力有餘裕(例如鼓勵相關單位在特定時間內釋出停車位)的情況下,應儘可能地設置(或提供)停車位,尤其是一位難求的都會區,減少停車亂象,維護市容。
- 減少需求的部分,首先應加強推廣大眾運輸,減少汽車使用。
- 加強違規停車之檢舉查緝開單拖吊等執法。
- 提高停車費率,不過此法應有上限,可以考慮使用逐時累加之利率策略(例如第一小時25元,第二小時50元之類),使得停車位之流轉率加快(應算是同時屬於增加供給減少需求)。








- 機車數量龐大時,容易造成行車秩序紊亂。
- 機車肇事情形嚴重,多有違規經驗(紅燈右轉、不依兩段式規定左轉、遺忘攜帶行照駕駛、違規停車、闖紅燈、超速等)。2020年高雄市機車肇事總計42,439件。相對於台北(機車總數110年7月底為944,802)的23,691件多出79%。
- 停車空間不足。 台南、 高雄、 高雄違停
- 龐大外部成本:機車平均每公里2.65元、汽車平均每公里11.58元,但未付出之成本約65.17%。造成擁擠走走停停、浪費燃料;廢氣排放增加、惡化空氣;引擎空轉造成噪音;且肇事比例及死亡率較高。
- 使用管理及持有成本問題:持有稅費,進口關稅與貨物稅佔購車成本約31.5%,牌照稅燃料稅佔9%,費率仍屬偏低。
- 強化機車管理,減少事故傷亡比例
- 改善機車停車秩序,提供合理路權空間
- 整頓機車停車問題,有效納入常態管理
- 建立機車停車收費制度,反映合理使用成本
- 增加機車路外停車空間,逐步引導停車路外化
- 加強機車轉乘誘因,增加大眾運具使用
- 推動大眾運輸發展政策,逐步限制汽、機車使用
- 研修機車管理法規,輔助政策有效推動
- For-hire:提供給公眾的貨運服務。(provides services to the public and charges a fee for the service. The simplest form of for-hire business requires only that you own your own vehicle and drive it yourself.)可能是local或是intercity,例如新竹貨運或是嘉里大榮。For-hire還可區分為common或contract,common carrier就是服務普羅大眾,contract carrier(A contract carrier is a transport company that limits its shipping or trucking line to certain people or organizations. It assigns a contract to the people or organizations that it serves for a specific period of time.)就是服務有租約的託運人,不對一般民眾開放。例如捷盟。
- Private carrier:只針對特定公司提供服務,該公司自己擁有或租賃車輛。(provides a service to the industry or company that owns or leases the vehicles, and thus does not charge a fee, but obviously the service provider incurs cost.)例如某公司自營之車隊,車輛可能是自有或是租的。(聯強、大成)
- TL: 服務託運量滿足貨車載貨量的托運者,或願意足額支付truckload rate的托運者。(provide service to shippers who tender sufficient volume to meet the minimum weights required for a truckload shipment and truckload rate or will pay the difference.)
- LTL: 服務託運量少於貨車載貨量的托運者。(provide service to shippers who tender shipments lower than the minimum truckload quantities, such as 50 to 10,000 pounds.)LTL業者在line-haul前會需要併貨至足夠數量。(LTL carrier must consolidate the numerous smaller shipments into truckload quantities for the line-haul (intercity) movement and disaggregate the full truckloads at the destination city for delivery in smaller quantities.)
- LTL: 服務託運量少於貨車載貨量的托運者。(provide service to shippers who tender shipments lower than the minimum truckload quantities, such as 50 to 10,000 pounds.)LTL業者在line-haul前會需要併貨至足夠數量。(LTL carrier must consolidate the numerous smaller shipments into truckload quantities for the line-haul (intercity) movement and disaggregate the full truckloads at the destination city for delivery in smaller quantities.)
- 車輛型式:Line-haul通常使用聯結車(tractor-trailer combination of three or more axles)。而都市內則使用卡車(City straight trucks),依載運貨物不同又有各種形式:
- Dry van: all sides enclosed
- Open top: top is open to permit loading of odd-sized freight
- Flatbed: not top or sides; used extensively to haul steel
- Tank trailer: for liquids such as petroleum products
- Refrigerated vehicles: controlled temperature
- High cube: cargo unit is higher than normal to increase cubit capacity
- Special: unique design for special commodity, such as liquefied gas or automobiles
- Terminal:運輸通常都有場站,軌道系統是車站,航空是機場,公路運輸中公車有公車總站,高速公路之休息站應也可算是一種。對於貨運卡車,LT可能不需要有貨物場站,可以使用客戶及收件人的工廠進行loading與unloading。對於卡車跟司機可能有場站提供他們dispatching, fuel, and maintenance services。有些甚至提供restaurant and hotel。LTL使用場站進行貨物裝卸合併等。
- Pickup and delivery terminals (PUD):區域設置且直接與收送貨者接觸並提供收送貨服務。可能每日固定派遣車輛收送貨,基本服務為併貨與配送。此外可能還有追蹤、估報價、銷售與提貨等服務。(Serves a local area and provides direct contact with both shippers and receiver. Provide pickup and delivery of freight on peddle runs.A peddle run is a route that is driven daily out of the PUD terminal for the purposes of collecting freight for outbound moves or delivering freight from inbound moves.Basic terminal services: consolidation and dispersion.Other possible services:Tracing、Rating and billing、Sales、Claims.)
- Break-Bulk terminals:主要用於併貨與配送(consolidation and dispersion),客戶鮮少與此terminal有業務往來。通常是PUD的中繼站,也可以作為司機的休息站。
- Relay Terminals:為防止司機的駕駛時間過長(DOT enforcement: drivers were permitted to driver a maximum of 10 hours after 8 consecutive hours off duty),可以在relay terminals替換司機以符合規定。另一個替代方案是使用雙司機輪替。
- Terminal的設置數量及位置依據實際營運方式來決定,需有詳盡規劃。
- 變動成本高(Approximately 70 to 90 percent ),固定成本低,原因是
- public investment in the highway system(公路設施由公家投資維護,討論:是否為公共財(具非敵對性與無排他性)?)。
- 短時間內很容易改變使用的車輛數。
- 通常不需要昂貴的terminal(LTL carrier可能例外)。
- Safety:
- 提升安全性意味著提升利潤,因為缺乏安全性可能導致索賠(商品毀損damaged與遺失lost)與保險的費用增高,意外發生的機率提高,以及罰單的增加等等。
- 安全性也是許多的託運人選擇貨運業者的重要考量因素之一。主要的考量是酒精及藥物濫用的問題。
- 酒精及藥物測試檢驗:招募時檢驗、定期檢驗、出意外後檢驗(訴訟需要)以及隨機抽檢。大部分的駕駛支持此計畫因為可以讓他們的工作更安全。
- 其他安全考量包括工作時間(避免疲勞fatigue駕駛)、使用較安全車輛(若是改裝,是否是具安全性之改裝?)等。
- 包裝簡化降低運輸費用。
- 貨物裝卸具時間寬容性:可以事先裝入貨櫃,配合船期,節省時間。即使是陸運,也是可以快速裝卸。
- 貨櫃本身適合複合運輸:標準化單位貨物,可以很容易在不同運具中裝卸。
- 擴大運輸市場空間:運送方式限制障礙排除,可擴大運輸市場空間。
- 運送過程一貫化:一次交付,一次領取。
- 符合科學管理性:可用於貨物追蹤(Freight Tracing),降低總成本,提高服務品質。
當然除了好處之外,還是會有些缺點,例如因為是密閉的空間,安檢變得困難。 此外需要調節各地空櫃數量,增加營運成本,尤其是雙向運輸量不均衡時(e.g. A對B貿易順超大時,可能貨物大量由A流至B,可能造成A方空櫃不足,需進行調節。討論:ubike)。 再者需投資大量成本於碼頭、貨櫃集散地以及特殊裝卸設備等。 貨櫃的概念也應用於其他地方,例如郵局便利箱。
軌道系統是陸運的重要一環,通常泛指火車、高鐵、捷運、輕軌等運具。相對於公路運輸,鐵道運輸的特點是可及性小、運價便宜、載運量大。火車的行進速度因車種而異,台鐵傾斜式電聯車太魯閣號 最高列車設計速度為150km/h,營運速度為130km/h。高鐵系統設計速度為350公里/時,最高營運速度為300公里/時。而高雄輕軌的行駛速度於無架空路段最高速度為每小時 50 公里,整體平均速率約為每小時20到25公里。
是運價最便宜的運具,僅能單向運輸,最主要的載運貨品為Oil and oil products、Natural gas、Coal、Chemicals。Pipeline的可能災害是貨物洩漏(不易察覺因長度很長,多經過無人區域,以及可能在地下),因為多為液氣體,容易汙染土地,尤其是載運化學品。
Provide a warehousing function because their service is slow(an average of three to five miles per hour )however, pipeline will not be able to deliver an extra amount of the product in a short period of time(sometimes need to hold higher levels of inventory to compensate for possible shortages).
Public Transporation
- 公共運輸系統:費率政府管制,公眾乘用。計程車
- 大眾運輸系統:班次密,運量大,費率路線政府管制。公車
- 大眾捷運系統:相當程度專用路權,密集班次,大量快速輸送
- 私營公共運輸或副大眾運輸:乘客具某程度自主權(如可隨時要求上下車或指定路線),如demand-responsive transit system(DRTS),taxis,dial-a-ride(DAR),隨停公車(jitney)等。
- 大眾運輸:mass transit, common carrier transport,具固定路線、固定班次、固定車站及固定費率,乘客為一般大眾之公共運輸系統。如公車,輕軌(light rail transit)及大眾捷運系統(mass rapid transit, MRT)
- 服務路線及旅次型態:
- 短程大眾運輸:機場校園遊樂場等。
- 都市大眾運輸(city transit):服務全市之大眾運輸
- 區域大眾運輸(regional transit):區域鐵路及長途巴士等
- 由車輛停靠班次之型態:
- 慢車(local service):每站必停
- 快車(accelerated service):如越站停車或區間停車。
- 直達車服務(express service):只停靠主要車站
- 依營業時間:
- 全天候服務(all-day service):24小時
- 通勤服務(commuter transit):早晚尖峰時段營運
- 特殊或不規則服務(special or irregular service):特殊事件時營運,如球賽、會議、展覽會或節日等
- 抑制私人運具:機動車輛數量成長造成交通壅塞,停車空間不足,噪音,空氣污染。
- 提升能源使用:每人車公里耗油約1/4自小客車。
- 環境保護:運輸之CO2約58%來自小汽車與機車,90%來自陸運。
- 地球公民責任:溫室效應,在1997年「京都議定書」後,我召開「全國能源會議」。
- 降低肇事,提高安全:美國—小汽車:公車:捷運在一億車英哩的死亡人數比例為5.3:0.19:10.07。台灣的大眾運輸佔有率:台北之外均不及10%,鄰近之亞洲國家主要城市60%以上。
- Equity: access for those who cannot or do not choose to drive
- Congestion: the need for a high-quality alternative
- Land use: influence public transport is necessary, but not sufficient to change land use
- Environmental: car technology strategies are more effective
- Energy: car technology strategies are more effective
- Economic expenditures for private autos may be alternatively used to improve local economies and quality of life
- Transit allows agglomeration(附聚作用) of economic activity in cities:經濟活動隨著大眾運輸群聚
- Transit is contributing to decreasing external costs of transport in cities:如前所述之減少交通意外、對健康之衝擊、減少塞車、減少噪音、減緩全球暖化,大眾運輸可減少這些額外成本。
- Public transport can catalyze the enhancement of the quality of the urban space:催化都市空間品質的加強,私人運具減少的好處。
Bus: Vehicles operating individually with rubber tires, with manual lateral and longitudinal control- Vehicle size: minibus (10-20 passengers) up to bi-articulated (165-250 passengers)
- Vehicle design: high floor or low floor
- Right-of-way: all options are available
- Guidance: is guided operation appropriate at some locations
- Propulsion: 推進力(驅動能源)
- Fare payment: on-vehicle or off-vehicle
- Vehicle design: high floor or low floor、articulated or rigid body
- Right-of-way: all options are available
- Operating arrangements: automated or manually driven
- Train length
- Right-of-way: at-grade, elevated, or tunnel
- Station spacing
- Operating arrangements: degree of automation
- Fare collection strategies
- Line length
- Through routing in CBD
- Station spacing
- Extent of parking capacity
Rail Advantages | Bus Advantages |
High capacity | Low capital costs |
Lower unit operating costs | Wide network coverage |
Better service quality | Single vehicle trips |
Stronger land use influence | Flexibility |
Fewer negative externalities | Dual mode nature, in power system |
依時程:- Long Range (> 3 Years): Major Capital Investment(Infrastructure)、Major Institutional Changes
- Medium Range (1 - 3 Years): Bus Network Structure、Network Size、Fleet Size、Fare Policy and Technology
- Short Range (< 1 Year): Route Structure、Service Frequency、Vehicle and Crew Scheduling
- Control (Real Time): Revise Route of Specific Vehicle、Revise Schedule of Specific Vehicle
- Network of routes and stops(guildlines include Population density、Employment density、Spacing between routes、Service to unserved areas、Direct, non-circuitous(截彎取直) routing)
- Service spans(e.g. 5:30am~11:00pm) and frequencies
- Timetables
- Vehicle scheduling
- Crew scheduling
- Most agencies have formal procedures for monitoring service delivery focusing on on-time performance: typically defined as 0 minutes early to 5 minutes late、about two-thirds of agencies report rush hour on-time performance of 90% or above
- Most agencies also keep route level information on: Passenger complaints、Missed trips、Accidents
- Walk-up service(密集發車情況,typically defined as headway < 10 minutes。通常根據其headway來評估): For example (MBTA): actual headway < 1.5 scheduled headway at origin and time points and actual running time between 0.8 and 1.2 of scheduled running time at destination terminals
- Scheduled service(非密集發車情況,typically defined as headway > 10 minutes。通常根據其準點率(punctuality)來評估): For example (MBTA): actual departure between 0 and 3 minutes after scheduled departure at origin terminals、actual departure between 0 and 7 minutes after scheduled departure at time points(其他場站的規劃時間)、actual arrival between 3 minutes before and 5 minutes after scheduled arrival at destination terminus and at route level, 75% of time points must be “on-time”。
- A trip is defined as “on time” (or not) at each time point based on performance windows
- Performance is reported in terms of the percentage of observations classified as “on time” (use statistics)
Modal Capacities and Costs
Simple Capacity Analysis

cars | passengers/car | headway | passengers/hr | |
Rail | 10-car trains | 200 | 2-minute | 60000 |
Bus | 70 | 30-second | 8400 | |
BRT | 200 | 20-second | 36000 | |
Light Rail | 2-car trains | 150 | 1-minute | 18000 |
- 依型態而異: at grade(地面層,least expensive)、elevated、subway(shallow tunnel、deep tunnel(most expensive))。
- Land acquisition and clearance(relocation): 土地徵收及地上物清除等費用。
- Number, size, complexity, and length of stations: 場站的相關費用。
- Systems complexity: 多層次或共構等。
Operating Cost(Labor wages and benefits、Materials and supplies、Agency administration、Other expenses incurred in operations): 2013年In US => 42.2 billion。
By Type:
- vehicle operations - 44%
- vehicle maintenance - 16%
- non-vehicle maintenance - 11%
- administration - 16%
- purchased transportation - 14%: when a public agency outsources the operation of some mode。Most of them is paratransit (e.g. on-demand transportation例如復康巴士)
By Mode:
- buses - 49%
- heavy rail - 19%: 在不同地區可能有不同含意,通常是A型路權,可能包含火車、捷運、地鐵等。
- commuter rail - 13%: 通常是行駛市郊(住宅區)到市區(商業區)間的區間車。
- light rail - 4%
- paratransit - 12%
- other modes - 3%
Ridership/Revenue Prediction
外在因素(Exogenous => uncontrollable):
- auto ownership/availability & operating costs: 汽車擁有率越低,大眾運輸使用率高
- fuel prices & availability: 油價高,大眾運輸使用率高
- demographics (age, gender, etc.): 人口統計資料影響大眾運輸使用
- activity system (population & employment distributions, etc.): 人口及就業分布影響大眾運輸使用(例如都會區大眾運輸使用率高)
內在因素(Endogenous => controllable):
- fare
- headway(wait time)
- route structure(walk time, ride time)
- crowding(通常不直接考慮在預測模式)
- reliability(通常不直接考慮在預測模式)
- Professional judgment: 大量使用,根據經驗判斷,無法證實正確性且結果無法複製。
- Survey-Based techniques: 使用抽樣問卷詢問potential riders是否會使用新服務或是當服務改變時之服務選擇意願等。意願跟實際使用的差別?
- Cross-sectional data models: 使用路線跟人口統計資料來做解釋,例如使用類似背景的其他路線(similar routes)資料,或是使用某係數來調整權重,或是使用迴歸模式、羅吉特模式等。
- Time-series data models
- Timetable development: 計算headway。假設尖峰時段派遣N輛車,可以使用尖峰時段時間除以N(equal headway soltuion)。也可以使用總旅客流除以N(balanced load solution)。
- Fleet Size Calculation: 假設沒有旅次偏移(shifting)也沒有空車旅次(deadheading: to balance deficit among terminals)
l(k,t,s) = 在時間t從場站k(schedule s)出發的車輛數,
a(k,t,s) = 在時間t回到場站k(schedule s)的車輛數,
符合s所需之最小車隊N(s) = ∑k∈Kmaxt(d(k,t,s))
其中K為terminal數 - Vehicle Scheduling: 使用時空圖了解問題。
- Crew Scheduling problem: 類似問題,但須考量work rules(regulations)、policies(preferences)、crews availibility。crews可分為full-time & part-time(為了尖峰時段,但是可能與工會衝突)。
Given duties for a week or a month, combine duties to form rosters。 - Optimization:
- Minimize required drivers
- Distribute work evenly - most common in Europe
- Improve likeability: consecutive days off、Monday-Friday with weekend off(連續假期與周休二日,運輸業較難達成,但為重要目標)
- Very large problem: exact OR formulations are seldom used(try heuristics)
- Cafeteria pick:
- Most common in North America
- Pick in order of seniority(亦即依據員工資歷排序來選擇工作時段)
- Optimization:
Impacts of unreliability:- Passenger impacts
- Longer wait times
- Need for trip time reliability buffer
- Higher loads (uncomfortable and slow rides)
- Agency impacts
- Increased costs
- Reduced ridership and revenue
- Reduced operator morale士氣
- Public and political problem
- Reduced effective capacity
- External
- Traffic and traffic signals
- Demand
- Incidents (e.g. medical emergency)
- Internal
- Equipment failure
- Insufficient resources
- Poor operations planning
- Lack of supervision and control
- Human driver behavior
在低頻率服務中(例如一日僅發兩車次的客運),客戶對於準點的要求較為嚴苛,且前後車班幾無互動。而對於高頻率服務(例如每3-5分鐘發一班車),等待時間的期望值依headway的mean & variance而變。準點率(Punctuality)的要求較不嚴苛,前後車輛有可能的額外互動,例如兩班次同時到達或是兩班次間距過長等(可能因為付費系統或是擁擠造成上下車時間(dwell time)過長等)。
- Reserve fleet of drivers and vehicles
- Exclusive bus lanes
- Traffic signal priority
- Route design strategies: shorter routes, less stops
- Schedule planning
- Supervision
Farebox Recovery Ratio
Farebox Recovery Ratio是票箱收入(Total Fare Revenue)與操作成本(Total Operating Expenses)之比值。>1表示收益可以cover操作成本,反之則需要補助(Goverment Subsidy)。票價的策略目標是- 保持大眾運輸的affordability來維持社會公平性(equity)
- 票價收入還得支持需求成長(用於加建路線或是加開班次等
- 票價結構應簡單
- flat fare: 在某路線票價皆相同
- Graduated fare: 隨距離長短增減票價
- Zonal fare: 依距離分為數個旅程區段,票價依旅行經過幾個區域而變
- Temporal: 尖峰時段與離峰時段票價
- Service: 依車種(bus vs rail)、依服務(Regular bus vs. express bus)
- Socioeconomic: 讓利concession票價(Students、Seniors、Disabled、Social Programs (needs-based subsidy))
- By willingness to pre-pay: 月票
- 減少收費系統成本,例如收費方式、設備維護、以及客戶服務等
- Finance
- funding operational expenses: 財務上是否足以抵銷操作成本
- Operations
- fare technology affects dwell times, cycle time, reliability
- some fare structures require fare inspection(驗票跟檢票)
- maintenance of equipment
- Public Support
- politicians may promise not raising fares(凍漲)
- difficulty gathering support to raise fares to improve service quality(物價上漲?)
- labor’s push for higher wages may require raising fares(漲價為加薪?)
- Administration
- fare technology(智慧收費之建置與管理?)
- fare policy and equity analysis(票價政策與公平性)
- revenue sharing across jurisdictions (funding formula)各級政府機關(市州聯邦)
- Marketing(與民爭利?)
- Customer Service
- fare structure and technology are among the first things a customer has to learn before taking transit(電子支付對老年人的影響?)
- longer trips
- trips in more convenient, reliable, comfortable, and frequent modes
- peak period trips
- trips when other modes are inconvenient or costly
- trips subsidized by third parties (government, businesses)
Work Force Planning
為節省成本,希望在使用最少員工的情況下提供最好最值得信賴(reliability)的服務。排班(scheduling)需基於擁有特定等級的人力之情況下進行,當人力不足,可能造成以下影響:- 超時工作(Overtime)或曠工(Absenteeism)
- 脫班(Dropped trips)
- 服務信賴度下降(Service reliability)
- 客戶滿意度下降(Customer satisfaction)
- 運具相互配合
- 減少服務重疊之浪費與競爭
- 聯合規劃、採購、行銷及設備共用,使營運者或最有利營運效果
- 乘客能一單一票價或電子票正到達都會區各角落,能在不同運具間方便舒適轉車
- 提升整體大眾運輸系統之生產力
- 增進服務範圍區域的移動性
- 服務依賴大眾運輸的人(年長者、學生、行動不便者)
- 提供自用汽車者選擇大眾運輸的機會
- 增進利用公共設施的可及性:如購物中心、政府機關、文化中心、娛樂中心等
- 追求整體大眾運輸系統成本最小化
- A1類係指造成人員當場或24小時內死亡之交通事故;
- A2類:造成人員受傷或超過二十四小時死亡之交通事故。
- A3類:僅有財物損失之交通事故。








意外預防(Accident Prevention):因為公路交通組成為人車路,預防亦由此三方面下手:
- 人:76%的駕駛人認為自 己比一般人開車安全,而65%的駕駛人認為自己比一般人開車的技術要好。需先認知用路人用路人操作車輛技能的因素,從而瞭解用路人能力的限制。
- 機智:指駕駛技術中遇到行車狀況時的應變反應能力
- 學習過程:學習用路,包括走路、騎車、開車的正常經驗及遇到挫折時 的經驗回饋過程
- 情緒因果:包括A注意B守法C焦急和忿怒,和D用路時的當下心理狀況
- 性格成熟程度:反應年齡、婚姻、家庭狀況,及對於生命價值的體認
- 生體秉性的差異:包括身材高矮及身體健康狀況
- 視覺範圍:視覺圓錐角在3度-5度內最明晰
- 週邊視界:一般人以雙眼向前注視,可以看到或感覺到「明視錐角」以外120度-200度範圍內的事物。戴眼鏡的人週邊視界一般較小
- 顧盼需時:疲倦時,左顧右盼的頻率及急速降低
- 靜止時與移動時的視覺角度 :速度愈高,視覺角度愈小
- 視覺深度:指用路人在車流間對於其他車輛接近的時間及車輛間空間距 離變化的研判能力
- 眩光:眼睛 對於眩光消除的能力及夜間視力會因年齡增大而衰退
- 對光線和色彩的敏感性:光線不足時,無法辨識物體的顏色
- 聽覺:在吵雜或密閉的環境,聽力即失去辨識能力
- 四肢:人的手足長短因人而異,當操控車輛緊急時,四肢與車輛的配合如果不是 在最佳位置,操控能力即無法充份發揮
- 反應時間:肉眼感受到事物,到手足採取行動,約需時間0.5秒到4秒(反應時間)之久
- 車:了解所駕駛的車輛性能。
- 認知車輛的尺寸:高度,寬度 ,長度
- 認知煞車距離
- 認知車輛穩定性
- 認知車輛安全裝備:如安全帶,自動排檔,第三煞車燈,ABS, 安全氣囊,加寬後視鏡,嬰兒椅
- 認知車間交談信號:善用轉向燈號(聲音), 喇叭聲,手勢,頭燈
- 路:了解所行使之道路特性及周遭環境。
- 認知道路設計的限制:必須遵守道路上的速率限制
- 認知何謂路權:支線車讓幹線車,左方車讓右方車
- 遵循交通管制措施
- 警覺道路缺陷:道路老化,或因施工管制不良,或因設計錯誤,或因照明不足, 或因路面不良造成顛簸,此外需警覺路面狀況例如是否有掉落物
- 自然環境的因素:包括光線(面向晨曦、落日、對向車輛的大燈等)、雨、霧、煙、霜、雪、冰雹、地震、洪水
- 人為的因素:擁擠、節慶、事故、災變
- 車
- 選用車輛安全性較高,安全配備較完整之交通工具
- 定時保養車輛,具備基本車輛知識及檢查能力(輪胎,煞車,換備胎等)
- 出發前應檢查車輛,尤其長途行駛
- 在高速公路上因路肩危險,盡量不要自換備胎,可電請道路救援
- 人
- 行前(開車前)妥善的規劃,取得路況、天候資訊,做好路線掌握與安排,並做好防衛措施(例如繫好安全帶)
- 避免酒後及疲勞駕駛,駕駛需有駕照
- 採取防衛性駕駛,增加駕駛人操作車輛時的安全邊界(與鄰車之安全間距尤其大型車輛例如砂石車),避讓侵略性高及游移不定之車輛
- 避免過快或過慢
- 遵守交通規則
公路正義: 2011年,全台有3343人死於公路上(30日內),其中有429人是行人,超過一成(12.83%)。2020年30日內則是3000人,行人為431人(14.36%)(道安資訊查詢網)。

























Challenges & Difficulties:
- Budget insufficiency
- Effective and sufficient law enforcement
- Punishment for violating law are not able to stop law-breaking
- People are used to ignore the propaganda (posters and slogans) especially for adults
What may happen?
Green Transportation
Green Transportation的目的便是為了要保護環境,運輸雖非唯一原因,卻是氣候變遷的主要原因之一。2019年美國總溫室效應氣體排出約為6,558 Million Metric Tons of CO2 equivalent,其中運輸佔29%(EPA),陸運佔據超過75%,其中95%使用石油燃料,相當於世上60%的石油使用。此持續引發溫室效應造成氣候變遷。這可能造成嚴重的後果包括經濟(農業衰退、保險業、交通、洪水、移民、西北航道、經濟發展),環境(缺水),健康(氣溫升高的直接效應、疾病的傳播)等方面。
大量的石油使用產生的另一個問題是能源短缺。為了爭奪石油能源,各種爭端難以避免。( Iraq、 Ukraine、 Libya、 Syria、 Iran。)
Consequence in Taiwan:Air Pollution & heat、Water pollution、Noise(a threat to health)









What can we do for southern Taiwan?(push & pull)
- 增加購買及使用節能運具的意願:
- 教育與宣導(為地球盡一份心力)
- 補助(政策:補助金額或是減免稅率)
- 提供環境(充電站、維修站)腳踏車與行人(路線與多種樹)
- 減少使用傳統燃料運具:
- 增加成本(政策:稅率或燃油)
- 教育與宣導(傳統運具的缺點)
- 配額與換車(限制購買額並強制換車年限)






- 吸引民眾使用大眾運輸:
- 建構完善之大眾運輸網路:提高可及性(網路) 、改善列車班表(時間的可及性) 、改善服務品質(票證、票價(補助)、接駁(Park & Ride…)、人員服務)
- 提倡共乘及共享運具
- 行銷:大眾運輸為較安全運具
- 促使民眾使用大眾運輸:
- 減少機車使用: 機車停車收費 、加強拖吊 、增加使用成本(稅制Levy fuel tax)
- 減少汽車使用:減少停車便利性 、加強拖吊 、增加成本(稅制Levy fuel tax、Regular vehicle inspection) 、增加行人徒步區 、需考量社會公義




- 完善的都市計畫可減少總體旅次消耗
- 都市分區完整,使住宅區與工業區或商業區完善區分,使得總延人公里數下降
- 都會區容納多數人,使大眾運輸便於施行
- 減少或取消單程旅次消耗;
- 發展且利用無線傳輸技術,使部分工作或職業能夠在家進行,或遠距教學,無須使用運輸系統可減少旅次產生數。
- 減少塞車(減少塞車的交通管理請見congestion的討論,原則上還是以Increase supply與Reduce demand兩方向。)。根據研究數據,速度較慢之車輛行駛,耗費較多之能源與產生較多的碳,因此,使得塞車情況減少,可減少能源耗損以及碳排出。
- ITS:利用ITS減少單程旅次的損耗。
- To help travelers efficiently use the transportation system in light of electric technology
- Smartly take the public transportation (train, bus, MRT,……), plan the route(ATIS)
- Intelligent traffic control system can make road users faster and safer.
- Electric ticket:使通行加速,減少停頓,節省能源
- Discussion:停車怠速熄火政策。
- 電動車的能源是電,首先當電動車大量取代燃油車後,需要提供大量的電,但是電的來源不見得環保,需要計算其碳足跡。
- 電動車平均每年會減少大約 2.3% 的電池容量,若以電池容量低於85%作為替換電池的標準,大約每6年半左右需要更換電池。亦即一台車可能會需要數個電池,電池的製作與回收所牽扯到的環保議題需要審慎討論。
- 電動車的充電時間較長,因應方式為在家充電、交換電池、研發快速充電的新技術等。
- 充電站不足,須廣為設置以方便使用者。
- 民眾已經習慣於機動車輛的便利與速度,要如何鼓勵民眾使用自行車。
- 要如何在既有路網中分隔出腳踏車專用道,這在都會區尤其困難。
- 要如何設計便利的自行車道。(需考量自行車的使用目的,是通勤、旅遊還是健身。)
另一個方式是行走,不僅節能,還能鍛鍊身體。不過因為體力時間有限,行走的距離較有侷限。行走的環境可能決定行走的距離與舒適性,例如是否有路樹(樹蔭)、空氣品質、溫度、氣候狀況、鋪面狀況、公路正義。設置交通寧靜區(Calm area)可以增加行走的安全、舒適與意願。且要注意弱勢族群(e.g. 老年人、幼童、行動不便者)的行走環境。
都市的景觀取決於我們看得到的東西,例如建築、道路、車輛等。若是道路設計不良,沒有綠意(行道樹),車輛繁多且雜亂,從而會影響整個都市景觀,不利於觀光等行業,對於市民的身心亦有影響。- Developed Country?
[Traffic jams] demonstrate that people by the hundreds of millions are getting two things they badly want: a chance of a prosperous urban life rather than a poorer rural one, and a private car. For it is the combination of these two desires that has made congestion so universal at the end of the 20th century.[The Economist, “A Survey of Commuting: To Travel Hopefully” p.3, September 5, 1998]交通阻塞發生在車流超過90%的道路設計容量時,通常可以使用道路服務水準(Highway Level of Service)作為評判指標。
- 特殊事件(Special event):例如遊行。
- 工地(Construction):例如道路重鋪。
- 事件(Incident):例如車禍或是路上有掉落物等。
- 惡劣氣候(Adverse weather):例如暴雨、濃霧、大雪等。




- 人口的自然成長(natural growth of the population)
- 區域的趨勢(Locational patterns),i.e., 住宅、工作、購物與娛樂區域的分佈(spatial distribution of residence, work, shopping, and entertainment places)
- 運輸特性與政策(Transportation characteristics and policies)
- 個人與家戶的運輸行為,例如運具選擇、出發時間、路線選擇等(Transport behavior of individuals and households manifested in their mode, departure time, and route choices)
- 損失有生產力的時間(productive time)
- 損失油料(fuel)
- 增加汙染(因為內燃機造成怠速空轉所多燃燒的油料與更多排出的有毒氣體)
- 增加汽車引擎的損耗(wear and tear)
- 較高可能發生意外(通常較輕微,因速度慢)
- 阻礙緊急或快遞服務,例如救護車
- 影響心理層面(路怒族),可能從而影響工作的效率與人際關係
- 增加供給: 增加系統的容量。例如:增加新設施、小規模的改善設施效率來減少雍塞。
- 新建工程:新建公路、捷運線、水路碼頭(ferry boat docks)
- 大規模修正設施:道路加寬、更換橋梁(bridge replacements)、公路線道重劃(freeway lane conversions)、可增加效率的新科技(e.g. 新軌道科技、新公車車隊、ITS)
- 小規模的容量效率之改善:藉由槽化(channelization )或拓寬(spot-widening)去除瓶頸(bottleneck)、升級與協調統合號誌系統、freeway ramp metering、high occupancy vehicle(HOV)、調撥車道、lane management schemes such as concrete/movable barrier systems
- 公共交通運輸系統:改善班車行程、路線規畫改善(例如公車路線重規劃)、需求導向(demand-responsive)大眾運輸系統(例如行動障礙與低人口密度區域)
- 減少需求: 改變旅行者的旅次行為(轉換運具、改變時間或地點),例如Congestion pricing, parking pricing, restriction on vehicle ownership and use,等鼓勵(incentive)或抑制(disincentive)政策
- Congestion pricing:徵收塞車費用,效果是
- 可以讓旅行者轉換到其他運具(divert to transit, car pools, taxis)
- 在尖峰時間取消旅次亦或是改變出發時間或行車路線
- 徵收公路升級的經費
- 補助大眾運輸
- Parking pricing and availability restrictions:藉由增加停車收費或減少停車空間來抑制使用私人運具至特定區域。不過減少停車空間若是與需求的比例不相稱,也可能使得車輛花費更多時間尋找停車位並造成堵塞。
- Employee parking cash-out(mandated by California’s legislature in 1993):企業提供現金代替提供停車位給員工。
- In any designated nonattainment area, each employer of 50 persons or more who provides a parking subsidy to employees, shall offer a parking cash-out program
- Parking cash-out means an employer-funded program under which an employer offers to provide a cash allowance to an employee equivalent to the parking subsidy that the employer would otherwise pay to provide the employee with a parking space
- A parking cash-out program may include a requirement that participants will comply with guidelines designed to avoid neighborhood parking problems
- 車輛或車牌擁有限制,例如加重進口關稅(e.g., China, Israel)或是車牌分離(e.g., Singapore,, specific areas in Japan)
- 提高年費(annual fees)、強制車檢(strict periodic inspections)、提高油價(expensive fuel prices)來限制私人車輛的取得與使用(車輛製造的工業國通常對此較為寬鬆)
- Telecommuting:long commutes to the central location are replaced by telecommuting connections
- Work at home:product of work is transmittable through electronic devices(e.g. writer, reporters, engineers, designers, data or orders processing personnel, help/technical assistance)
- Transportation demand Management (TDM): bus lanes, HOV, transit and pedestrian malls with restricted access to all or to single-occupant private vehicles, free or reduced tolls for car pools and vanpools, preferential and/or cheaper parking for car pools and vanpools, guaranteed-ride-home provisions, flextime or staggered work hours, employee parking cash-out, restricted area access through cordoning and permitting by licensing(e.g., Singapore), even/odd vehicle license number scheme (e.g., cities in Brazil, Greece, Italy). HOT lanes (HOV/Toll lanes) are free for vehicles with a minimum of three occupants and available to vehicles with fewer than three occupants at a cost (toll).



- One suggests that traffic congestion is a positive measure of urban vitality. Prosperous regions have traffic congestion, whereas decaying urban regions do not.繁華之地才有塞車問題。
- The other view is that congestion is a self-limiting problem. In other words, if congestion is left uncontrolled, at worst, the roads will be congested during the better part of the day. Because of this, people “naturally” will change modes, cancel trips, schedule activities differently, or relocate to neighborhoods closer to work, schools, and shops, or to other cities altogether, to cope with the situation.
An intelligent transportation system (ITS) is an advanced application which, without embodying intelligence as such, aims to provide innovative services relating to different modes of transport and traffic management and enable various users to be better informed and make safer, more coordinated, and 'smarter' use of transport networks.
Year | development |
1847 | Telegraph |
1877 | Telephone |
1920 | Sound |
1930 | Telex(電傳機), fax, TV |
1960 | Hi-fi stereo, color TV, movile telephone |
1975 | Medium speed data transmission, paging |
1984 | High-speed data transmission, telemetry(遙測技術), computer networks, video-conferencing |
2000 | Wide-band data transmission, high definition TV, voice-activated controls,… |
Nowaday | 4G,5G,smart phone,…… |
Technology | Medium transfer | Rate/channel | Information types |
Twisted wire pair | Copper wire | 1.2 to 3.1 Kbps | Data, voice, slow scan TV |
Fiber optics | Glass or plastic fibers | Up to 2.4 Gbps | Data, voice, slow scan TV |
CATV | Coaxial cable | Up to 7.5 Mbps | Data, voice, analog TV |
Radio networks | Atmosphere | 9.6 Kbps | Data |
Terrestrial microwave | Atmosphere | Up to 7.5 Mbps | Data, voice, analog TV |
AHS | Automated highway system | GSM | Global system for mobile communications |
APTS | Advanced public tansportation services | HAR | Highway advisory radio |
ATIS | Advanced traveler information services | ICC | Intelligent cruise control (also, ACC = adaptive) |
ATMS | Advanced traffic management services | ITS | Intelligent transportation systems |
AVL | Automatic vehicle location | IVRG | In-vehicle route guidance |
CCTV | Closed circuit television | RDS | Radio data system (an FM subcarrier) |
CVO | Commercial vehicle operations | SCATS | Sydney coordinated adaptive traffic system |
DAB | Digital audio broadcasting | SCOOT | Split-cycle-offset optimization tool |
DSRC | Dedicated short-range communications | TCC | Traffic control center |
EMS | Emergency medical service | TMC | Traffic management center, also traffic message channel (RDS-TMC) |
ERP | Electronic road pricing | UTC | Urban traffic control (traffic signal system) |
ETC | Electronic toll control | VMS | Variable message sign (also CMS = changeable and DMS = dynamic) |
GIS | Geographic information system | WIM | Weight-in motion |
GPS | Global positioning system | WWW | Worldwide web (part of the Internet) |
GPWS | Ground-proximity warning system (aviation) |
Travel and transportation management
- Pre-trip travel information: Provides pre-trip information on traffic and transit LOS so travelers can decide on their travel (route, mode, time-of-day, or trip cancellation) e.g. At home/work information outlets: Internet, kiosks, telephone, etc.
- En-route driver information: Provides drivers information about traffic conditions, incidents, construction, weather conditions, hazardous road conditions, and safe speeds while en-route. This information allows mid-travel changes. e.g. VMS, radio, HAR, pagers, mobile telephone, in-vehicle navigational systems
- Route guidance: Provides travelers with instructions on how to reach their destination. Identifies a preferred route to a destination. Public transit guidance could be determined from bus schedules or real-time information through AVL. e.g. IVRG, AVL, GIS maps, real-time traffic reports
- Ride matching and reservation: Provides convenient ride-matching information and reservations to potential users e.g. At home/work information outlets: Internet, kiosks, telephone, etc.
- Traveler services information: Provides information on the location, operating hours, and availability of food, parking, auto-repair shops, hospitals, police facilities, and other modes of transport from home, work, shopping centers, airports, etc. e.g. Internte, kiosks, interactive telephone, TV, IVRG
- Traffic controal: Provides for the integration and control of freeway and surface street systems to improve the flow of traffic, to improve safety for vehicular and nonvehicular travelers, to give preference to transit/HOV e.g. UTC, ramp-metering, signal preemption(先買權)
- Incident management: Provides technologies integrated into traffic surveillance systems to reduce incident-induced congestion by improving authorities’ ability to detect and clear incidents e.g. Surveillance, automatic incident detection, highway patrol
- Demand management and operations: Provides strategies promoting increased use of HOV and public transit. Calls for the development of supportive regulations and policies. e.g. Variable work hours, compressed workweeks, telecommuting, congestion pricing, parking fees
- Emissions testing and mitigation: Provides information for monitoring air quality and develops air quality improvement strategies. Advanced vehicle emissions testing systems determine when the quality of air approaches critical levels. e.g. Remote sensing of vehicle emissions; integration whit UTC
- Highway-rail intesection: Provides advanced warning to drivers and by implementing improved crossing control and warning devices for at-grade crossing sites e.g. IVRG, RDS-TMC, ICC
Public transportation operations
- En-route transit information: Provides real-time information to public transit users relating to schedule changes, delays, and others at key transfer locations e.g. Automatic on-board and at-station VMS or audio announcements
- Personalized public transit: Provides on-demand routing to pick up passengers and to deliver them to their destinations by implementing advanced technologies for dispatching and routing the vehicles. Fleet may include courtesy vans, taxicabs, etc. e.g. AVL, computer-aided dispatching
- Public travel security: Provides a more secure environment for public transportation patrons and operators by monitoring transit stations, bus stops, parking lots, and on-board vehicles with security cameras. e.g. Automated alarms, CCTV, police
Electronic payment
- Electronic payment services: Provides automated means for paying for transportation services. Smart-cards, etc. can be used to increase the efficiency of toll payments, public transit fares, and parking services (prepayment or postbilling). e.g. ETC, smart-card
Commercial vehicle operations
- Commercial vehicle electronic clearance: Provides automated inspection/weight facilities for commercial vehicles at check points and border crossing without delay, after inspecting their safety status, credentials資格, and weight to be within acceptable limit e.g. AVL, transponders(發射器應答器轉發器), GPS
- Automated roadside safety inspection: Provides real-time access to commercial vehicle safety performance records (including previous problems) and minimizes the time required for roadside inspections e.g. AVL, transponders, vehicle condition inspectors
- On-board safety monitoring: Provides monitoring systems that sense the safety status of a commercial vehicle and responds/reports them at mainline speeds (e.g., warning systems for the driver, the carrier, and/or enforcement officials.) e.g. AVL, transponders, vehicle and driver condition inspectors
- Commercial vehicle administration processes: Provide for the automatic collection and recording of travel distance, fuel purchased and trip and vehicle data. Reduces preparation effort for fuel tax and registration reports for affected jurisdictions. e.g. AVL, enhanced trip computers
- Hazardous materials incident response: Provides an immediate description of the hazardous material to the emergency responders in the event of an incident involving a vehicle transporting hazardous materials e.g. Automatic emergency notification
- Commercial fleet management: Provides commercial drivers and dispatchers with real-time routing information in response to congestion or incidents e.g. CB radio, pagers, mobile telephones, in-vehicle displays of dispatch center information
Emergency management
- Emergency notification and personal security: Provides immediate notification of an incident and a request for assistance. Notice may be given manually or automatically. Automatic notification sends information on crash location, nature種類, and severity. e.g. AVL, ‘mayday’ function (on mobile phones or dynamic IVRG), crash/disablement sensors
- Emergency vehicle management: Provides fleet management, route guidance, and signal priority to reduce the time it takes emergency vehicles to respond to an incident after its detection. e.g. AVL, IVRG, computer-assisted dispatch
Vehicle control and safety systems
- Longitudinal collision avoidance: Provides technology for preventing rear-end vehicle collisions e.g. Radar, ABS, AEB(Autonomous Emergency Braking)
- Lateral collision avoidance: Provides crash warning and controls for potential lateral collisions between two vehicles in adjacent lanes or between a vehicle and obstacles e.g. Radar, warning systems
- Intersection collision avoidance: Provides a warning for impending collisions when approaching a signalized intersection. Also provides a warning when the right-of-way at the intersection is ambiguous. e.g. Vehicle-to-roadside communications, enhanced traffic control with trajectory forecasts
- Vision enhancement for crash avoidance: Provides a warning for potential upstream collisions with other vehicle or obstacles in the roadway which are not yet visible to the driver e.g. Infrared紅外線(or other) in-vehicle forward-looking sensor, ‘night-vision’ head-up display
- Safety readiness: Provides unobtrusive monitors which warn if the driver is becoming drowsy or inattentive. Monitors the vehicle; alerts the driver to impending malfunctions (some cars already have sophisticated systems checks) e.g. Same as user service; this one tailored to noncommercial vehicels
- Precrash restraint deployment: Provides advance responses to an impending collision, such as tightening safety belts, deploying air bages optimally, etc., based on the velocity, mass, and trajectories and occupant characteristics. e.g. Computerized in-vehicle safety devices (several are in the marketplace)
- Automated vehicle operations: Provides a system for automated vehicle operations where vehicles are guided along a roadway without driver assistance. e.g. Visual lane keeping, high-speed off-ramps, radar, ICC
又可區分為supply type與demand type:
- Supply type ITS: Early incident detection and resolution, optimized signal operation based on real-time demand, freeway management with ramp metering, accident avoidance with variable message signs warning of upcoming conditions (e.g., congestion, fog, etc.), and bus system coordination
- Demand type ITS: Provision of real-time traffic congestion information at various places (e.g., home, work, at the shopping center, etc.) for informed travel decision. Car travelers with some degree of flexibility may postpone a trip, delay it, or make it in a different mode, if the roadways are congested. Also, in-vehicle devices may switch demand from a congested route to an alternate route, thereby improving the performance of the entire corridor system.
- 運輸管理 2008 張有恆著
- 現代運輸學 2013 張有恆著
- Management of Transportation; by Edward J. Bardi, John J. Coyle,and Robert A. Novack ; Thomson South Western Educational Publishing
- Transportation Engineering & Planning SI Edition; C.S.Papacostas, P.D. Prevedouros; Prentice Hall